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The first white tigers were found among the Bengal race, but cross breeding with siberians have made some hybrid white tigers.

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Q: Are the white tiger and the Bengal tiger the same?
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Is a Bengal tiger the same thing as a white tiger?

A white tiger is a variation of the Bengal tiger that is white with black stripes instead of orange with black stripes. All white tigers are Bengal tigers, but not all Bengal tigers are white tigers.

What is the white Bengal tiger's respiratory system like?

The same as the orange Bengal tiger.....

Why do white tigers look that way?

A genetic defect makes them white. They are really Bengal tigers. no the white tiger and the Bengal and the same people get them micst up the Bengal is the same as the white tiger they just have a differint name

Are white Bengal tigers and Bengal tigers the same species?

Yes. A Bengal tiger is normally white, but can be orange.

How is the White tiger different from the normal tiger?

They aren't different the White Bengal Tiger is just white and the Bengal Tiger is orange.

Which will win a fight white tiger or bengal tiger?

White tigers are just a genetically flawed version of the Bengal tiger, so either can win, since they are both the same subspecies.

What is a description of a white tiger?

The white tiger is merely a color variation of the Bengal tiger. Most white Bengal tigers are white with brown or black stripes, and have blue eyes. They are the same size as other Bengals, reaching up to 600 pounds.

What is the white tiger habits?

same as the Bengal (Or sometimes the siberian tiger) mostly the forests in india and siberia. a white tiger is a color variant of either the bengal or siberian tiger happening once every 15000births

Do white tigers and normal tigers live and act the same way?

Yes. The "white tiger" is a Bengal tiger with a white coat. The coat color is determined by a recessive gene that is specific to the Bengal subspecies.

What is the coloration of a Bengal tiger?

Bengal tiger is obviously orange with black stripes,there are white tigers, completely white tigers which actually do not have stripes, there is also black tiger and extremely rare blue tiger.

Is a white bengal tiger endangered?

As all tigers are endangered, yes they are. But they are not a separate subspecies from the Bengal tiger. Same animal, just a rare color mutation.

What is the name of the Bengal tiger in the remake Arthur?

The white Bengal tiger's name is Shikira.