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Q: Are the words bat and field nouns or verbs?
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What is the definition of bat?

The word bat has many synonyms in the English language. Bat is a verb, and also describes two nouns. One noun is bat the animal. Another noun in bat, the hitting equipment.

What are the example of transitive verbs?

Some examples of transitive verbs include "eat," "write," "carry," and "read." Transitive verbs require an object to receive the action of the verb in a sentence, such as "I eat an apple," where "apple" is the direct object of the verb "eat."

Are the words bat and mouse proper nouns?

No, the nouns 'bat' and 'mouse' are both commonnouns.The noun 'bat' is a general word for a winged mammal or any wooden implement used for hitting a ball.The noun 'mouse' is a general word for any of this type of rodent.A proper noun is the name of a specific person, place, or thing; for example:Bat Masterson, famous US MarshallMickey Mouse, cartoon characterBat Cave, NC 28710"Mouse Cafe", children's book by Patricia Coombs

What are some verbs that go with a vampire bat?

bite shewed gnawed sniffed gargaled smelled and played skyrim

Can you bat 10 people and field 10 different people in a softball game that has USSSA rules and regulations?

only 9 players on the field at once. only nine at bat but you can get a batter to bat for the pitcher

What word means to beat with a stick?

Words that involve hitting with sticks are the verbs bash, bat, blackjack, bludgeon, cane, clobber, cosh, club, cudgel, fustigate, hammer, pommel, rap, swat, wallop, or whack.

What do these three words describe fruit baseball cricket vampire?

Um.. I beliece that is four words. In any case, all of them could be preceding "bat." fruit bat, baseball bat, cricket bat, vampire bat.

Does Tommy Field bat right or left?

MLB player Tommy Field bats right.

What is another word for bat droppings?

there is many other words for bat droppings but what i usually use is bat guano

What are some nouns beginning with g?

gong ,glider bat ,Google , Georgia, George Washington, Gallion, Gallon

What is going to happen in home and away?

The "home" team will go out in the field first but will bat last in the game. And "visitor" will bat first but will go out in the field last. So in my opinion its better to be home

What does chuck a bat mean?

chucking a bat simply means, getting a bat and chucking it -words of wisdom from:josh agu