

Are there 7 billion people on Earth right now?

Updated: 9/17/2019
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Q: Are there 7 billion people on Earth right now?
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How many people are living at earth right now?

about 7 billion

What is the approximate number of people who ever lived on earth?

I read in national geographic it is about 125 billion ever. On the earth right now it is about 7 billion.

What is the world population today 2017?

7,442 billion people are on Earth right now in 2017

How many people are in the world in 2013?

The estimated population of the Earth right now is slightly over 7 billion people.

How many are in the world 2013?

The estimated population of the Earth right now is slightly over 7 billion people.

How many people are in the world this very moment?

The estimated population of the Earth right now is slightly over 7 billion people.

What is the world's population today?

The estimated population of the Earth right now is slightly over 7 billion people.

How many people live in earth now?

6 billion people live on Earth.

When will there be 7 million people on the Earth?

there is about 6.5 billion now

How many people are in this planet?

Earth has approximately 6,803,000,000 human inhabitants as of December 12, 2009.

How many humans on the earth right now?

The current world population is 7.3 billion

How many people are up right now?

If you consider that there on about 6 billion (6,000,000,000) people, give or take, on the Earth, and you assume an average sleep time of 8 hours, then two thirds of the population are up at any one time. This is about 4 billion people.