

Are there Inca slaves

Updated: 4/27/2024
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8y ago

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Info on Inca slavery

They did use slavery on captured tresspassers ramanding alive people froms wars. They also used people who lived thru harsh puishments from commiting a crime. Popular crimes are murder, cheating, stealing and cursing the gods or doing your job wrong. If you commited murder or cursed a god you were thrown off a cliff, if you cheated or stole your arms and legs were cut off.

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1w ago

The Inca Empire utilized a labor system known as the mit'a, where able-bodied individuals were required to provide labor for public works projects. This system was not based on chattel slavery, as individuals did have some rights and were compensated for their work. However, the Spanish conquerors later introduced African and indigenous slavery in the region.

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yes the did. yes the did.

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They would be killed or punished

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Who did the Inca fight?

The inca fought with the spanish for land******Prior to that, they fought other tribes of humans that threatened them ; often taking the captured ones as slaves.

How was the life of an Inca slave?

Inca slaves had a harsh life, as expected. They were not used as sacrifices like the Aztec. Inca didn't completely force them to convert, incas also sometimes incorporated their gods in their their stories

What and how were the Inca and Aztec impacted by European explorations and colonizations?

The Inca and Aztec civilizations were impacted by European explorations and colonizations through violence, disease, and forced labor, leading to the decline and eventual downfall of their empires. Their populations were decimated by diseases such as smallpox brought by the Europeans, and their societies were disrupted by ongoing conflicts and the imposition of European cultural norms and beliefs. European colonization also led to the exploitation of their resources and the destruction of their traditional ways of life.

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Yes, all three civilizations - the Maya, the Aztecs, and the Inca - practiced slavery to some extent. The Aztecs and the Maya engaged in human sacrifices as part of religious rituals, while there is limited evidence of such practices among the Inca.

What factor did not play a part in the Spanish conquest of the Aztec and Inca empires?

African slaves outnumbered the indigenous population by nearly 50 percent.