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Yes, there is lots of vegitation.

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Q: Are there a lot of trees and plants in tropical rain forests?
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What kind of trees are in tropical forests?

Rain Forrest trees!! (:

Is it easier for plants to grow in tropical rain forests than for plants to grow in a cold area?

they are easier to grow in tropical rain forests

What kind of trees are in tropical rain forests?


How are the tropical rain forests beneficial?

Tropical rain forests are beneficial because we can get exotic plants and animals, and we can get wood. The more common answer is to get exotic plants and animals, though.

Are there cocoa trees in the Amazon Rain Forest?

not the amazon really but in tropical rain forests there are

What type of plants and trees exist in a tropical rainforest?

rain trees?

What is trees and plants in tropical regions?

Rain forest

What type of plants grow in tropical rain forests?

flying pigs

Tropical rain forests are an important source of what?

Tropical rain forests are an important source of water to the land and animals that live in there. If the rain forest didn't rain anymore then all the plants and animals die. :(

What are the characteristic of tropical climate?

Tropical rain forests have hot, humid climate. It has a diversity of plants and wildlife.

Why don't tress in tropical rain forests drop their leaves?

they are probably evergreen trees

How do temperate rain forest different from tropical rain forest?

Temperate rain forests are usually coastal and have cooler summers and milder winters than Tropical rain forests. Also Temperate rain forests have summer fogs that keep it moist. temperate rain forests also have lots of moss and consists of Deciduous trees.