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I don't think that there is an animal that can see better than a human... But there are animals that can hear better, such as cats, dogs, deer, etc.

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Q: Are there animals that can see more color then people?
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What if the only color in this world is black?

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Are all animals colourblind?

No, not all animals are color blind. Some see less color pigmentation than others, which as a general rule would be those animals with good night vision. People, which by definition are animals, are for the most part, not color blind.

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people dissect animals to learn a little more about them and in some cases to see if they are dangerous to us or not.

Do all animals have black and white vision?

No some animals can see in negative color. some dogs cant see hardly anything. others can see colors but are color blind meaning they see colors as different colors. for example some people can see red when they are really looking at green.

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What animals can not see in color?

Humans and Chimps are the only animals that are not color blind.

Does human color vision differ from other animals' color vision?

Yes. Most animals do not see in color as humans do. Dogs, for example, see in shades of gray and black/white. That's why they can see better in the dark. Our eyes are designed to see color differentiation, whereas a dog sees so many more shades of black and gray that they can key in on movement much more efficiently than a human. Other animals have very poor vision and rely on smell or other sensory means to be aware of their surroundings (eg: snakes flicking their tonges, bats using sonar).

Can animal see colors?

Animals can see in color not every color but most of them.Answer:Science indicates that many animals see colours although the palate they see is more limited than ours. Birds and some reptiles obviously devote a fair amount of energy into being coloured to attract mates, birds and other animals are attracted to coloured fruits and flowers, dog's can be trained to fetch balls of specific colours, insects use colours to warn predators away (hornets and Monarch butterflies) - all of these actions would be useless if animals could not see colours.

Why some animals difficult to see?

because some animals change its color like a chameleon and other animals

What animals see blue color only2?

Only owls see the colour blue

Is there a color blind test for animals?

No, there is no color blind test for animals that you can do at home. There actually is no color blind test at all, only tests to check their vision if they can see at all.

Why do certain animals see colours differently from humans?

Different animals have different kinds of color vision. Some have very poor color vision and others have very good color vision. In fact some birds and bees have super color vision and see colors that humans don't see.