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Anytime you have surgery and go under anesthetic there are risks. There have been many documented cases of death in patients only having routine plastic surgery.

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Q: Are there any Hidden Dangers of Plastic Surgery that you should get from your Plastic Surgeon before scheduling the surgery?
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Where can you find the best plastic surgeon in Dallas?

Finding the ideal Dallas plastic surgeon depends on the person and whether or not he or she is satisfied with the work. What's important is that your surgeon is board certified. You may also want to read some books on the dangers of plastic surgery.

How long does it take become a pediatric plastic surgeon?

A pediatric plastic surgeon is a surgeon who only specializes in surgery of children, a pediatric plastic surgeon does craniofacial surgery, hand surgery, etc. most pediatric plastic surgeons work in a children hospital

How can one get a plastic surgery overseas?

The first step in arranging plastic surgery overseas is to locate a surgeon or facility in the country of choice. Check the International Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery to verify that the surgeon or facility is accredited. Check what specialty certification the surgeon holds. Verifying the malpractice laws in the country, the insurance held by the surgeon or facility, and what post operative care is needed would be wise. After doing this, co-ordinate the scheduling of the surgical procedure and travel arrangements.

Is cosmetic surgery dangerous?

Cosmetic surgery can be dangerous, if complications occur. Hemorrhage, infection and anesthetic complications are amongst the most common dangers associated with cosmetic surgery. Choosing a skilled plastic surgeon prevents all this.

Where can one get plastic surgery for ears?

You can go to any plastic surgeon for ear surgery. If you reach out to a surgeon who happens to not perform that type of surgery most will refer you to someone locally who does perform this surgery.

Who performs plastic surgery?

A certified plastic surgeon. They have the experience and expertise to perform this type of surgery.

What are some characteristics of good plastic surgery?

Quality of good plastic surgery depends on the plastic surgeon in question. In many cases, a reputable plastic surgeon, in addition to a natural, non-fake look and comfortable feel will determine if a plastic surgery was successful.

Who should I be recommended to for plastic surgery in the city of Phoenix?

There are many possible plastic surgery centers in Phoenix. I recommend you to Dr. Robert Meger, MD Plastic surgeon and Cosmetic surgeon.

What surgeon in plastic surgery is reputed to be the best at rhinoplasty in NYC?

The best rhinoplasty surgeon is Dr. Jennifer Walden. She is from the plastic surgery center Manhattan Rhinoplasty.

Is a nose surgeon the same as a plastic surgeon?

"A nose surgeon is a plastic surgeon, but a plastic surgeon isn't necessarily a nose surgeon. WebMD is a great resource for all things medical. Using this site will give you information about plastic surgery, helping to determine if it is right for you."

What do you call plastic surgery on the nose?

Cosmetic nasal surgery is called rhinoplasty, and is performed by a licensed plastic surgeon.

Did Donald Trump had plastic surgery?

Presumably, facelifting (actually i'm general surgeon with particular interest in plastic surgery)