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Don't Cheat! Just distract them by talking to them or throwing stones at them!

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Q: Are there any action replay codes for the legend of Zelda spirit tracks that prevent gards from seeing you?
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Is there an action replay code for seeing all Pokemon?

Yes there is an action replay code for seeing all Pokemon it comes with your action replay. It completely fills in your pokedex and if I'm not mistaken it also fills out your national pokedex. I hope i answered your question!

What are the chances of seeing a shiny Pokemon in poemon platinum?

Action replay!

How do you fill your pokedex without seeing Pokemon?

use an action replay

How do you get a steal ball without action replay?

Well seeing as though I've never heard of it, ( I don't cheat) I'm guessing you can't.

How do you spell pearlar in Pokemon?

There is no character "Pearlar" but you may be seeing the term "Pearl A.R." which can mean Pokemon Pearl as cheated with Action Replay (AR).

What is the code for seeing Deoxys in the wild for the Action Replay on FireRed UK?

Look up find any wild Pokemon and deoxys will appear!!!!!!! (it is simple.... -_-)

Is there a Pokemon platinum action replay code so you can change a Pokémon's name when your not the OT?

Yes there is somewhere, i remember seeing it but i cant remember where. I'll updaye this if i find it

Action replay code how to get all Pokemon on Pokemon platinum?

you cant. there is no code uet. but there is a code for seeing ANY POKEMON you want at the level you choose in the tall grass.

Where is a Pokemon named staryu Pokemon Diamond?

in canilave or sunyshore city use your super rod but you only have 5% chance of seeing it or you can just use an action replay code-kittyboo28

Can you complete the Sinnoh dex without seeing all the Pokemon?

Yes, with action replay theres a cheat that you will see EVERY Pokemon and a pokeball will come up beside it or at least that's what im told

How likely is it for someone to see action if they are reenlisting in the army after 5yrs USMC this day-and-age?

the likelyhood of seeing action is about the same likelyhood of NOT seeing action.

How do you prevent others from seeing your contributions?

There is no way of doing this.