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Q: Are there any animals that perform c sections?
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Can you request the dr perform a c-section birth?

C-sections can be requested, but they are medically unnecessary

What type of doctor that does c section?

Cesarean sections (also called C-sections) are performed by Obstetricians, mostly. There are some Family practitioners who were trained in the past who may still perform deliveries and C-sections, but the vast majority are performed by Obstetricians.

Insurance and elective c-sections?

A lot of insurance plans that cover maternity care / pregnancy will cover C-Sections for any reason.

Why has the cesarean section rate increased?

Elective C-sections, the unwillingness of doctors to perform vaginal births on women who have previously had c-sections, and a rise in STD's among other things. See source for a much more in-depth answer.

When would a doctor perform a C-section?

C-sections are performed when there are complications during the process of labor that can pose a danger to the mother and/or child. They can even be requested

Can a nurse practitioner perform a c section?

No a NP is not trained to do surgery, you need a qualified physician but many doctors have a NP assist during C-sections.

Do midwives perform c sections?

No. Midwives attend normal, low-risk deliveries. If a client requires a cesarean section, a midwife will refer her to an obstetrician, a surgeon trained in medicalized childbirth. A nurse-midwife may attend the surgery, but in the same capacity as a nurse, not as the primary provider.

How many sections r there in structure of c program?

Unlike COBOL, in C there are no sections and divisions; there are two main state: inside a function and outside of any functions.

Who are physicians who perform surgical procedures?

Surgeons are physicians who specialize in performing surgical procedures. Almost every type of physician performs some surgical procedures (e.g. obstetricians perform c-sections and tubal ligations).

Are c-sections scary?


What does having body sections mean?

Preforming c-sections on dinosaurs

What is documentation section in C?

The C language does not have "sections".