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Q: Are there any christian churches that celebrate passover?
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just what any other christian would celebrate. EASTER, Christmas, etc.

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If they are Christian Indonesians they might, as with other any nationals who claim to be Christian

Which other religions are are Muslims commanded to respect by their Passover Festival?

Muslims do not celebrate Passover; Jews do. Regardless, Passover does not command any person to respect any religion; it is a story about how the Israelites escaped Ancient Egypt through an act of Divine Deliverance.

Are there any Christian churches in Patong Beach Thailand?

Yes there is.

How many masses were celebrated in the Catholic and Christian Churches?

You are being redundant. Catholics are theoriginal Christian Church. Catholics celebrate Mass every day of the year with the exception of Good Friday. At any given moment a Mass is being said somewhere in the world.

Where do they celebrate Passover?

In any place with Jews it can be celebrated....soem places with Jews are Israel, the US, Canada, and many other places

Does Tennessee celebrate Christmas?

Christmas is a Christian holiday so any Christians living in Tennessee most likely celebrate it.

What are the differences between Christmas and Passover?

Answer 1It's much easier to answer this question by saying that there is no similarity whatsoever, between the concepts or practice of the Christian Christmas and the Jewish Passover. So I'll let you come up with your own list of features and characteristics, and I'll tell you right now that according to every one of those, the two are different.Answer 2Easter has a connection to Passover in that "the Last Supper" was a Passover Seder and occurred not long before the Crucifixion. Christmas, however, is entirely unrelated to Passover.

When do ancient Egyptians celebrate advent?

Advent is a period within the Christian Church and since the ancient Egyptians lived long before the time of Christ they did not celebrate any Christian festivals.

Does Islam celebrate the Passover?

Answer 1Yes, Muslims observe Passover and fast it. They call it "Yum Ashura'a".Answer 2Muslims do believe in the events of the Passover and believe the event to be the Divine salvation of the Jewish people at that time. However, Muslims do not celebrate the Passover Seder in any way and do not have the restricted eating habits or holiday requirements that traditionally define Passover.A note on Answer 1: Yom Ashura has absolutely nothing to do with Passover, except it partially being a commemoration of the Exodus, and has no connection to Judaism (in terms of its religious character). In terms of historical origin and general activity it is much more similar to the Jewish Yom Kippur although the fast of Yom Ashura would be considered an unhappy fast whereas Yom Kippur is a happy fast.

Was Tupac Shakur baptized?

People don't know if tupac was baptized. His mother brought him up as a christian, but tupac was never affiliated with any churches. Even though tupac wasn't affiliated with any churches, he distributed christian quotes, and did claim to believe in God.

What church are best for all types of Christians?

Christian non denominational churches are fine for any Christian, but only go to a church that is Bible based.