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It really depends on the specific physician. I, for example, usually wear nice pants and a polo shirt at work - I have been a clinical pediatrician for over 25 years. Dome docs prefer a tie. One item children do not like is the notorious white coat. RBB, MD

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Q: Are there any dress requirements for pediatricians such as uniforms?
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Are there any dress requirements for pediatricians?

not really,depends on your company

Are there any girls boarding schools in America with no uniforms?

Yes, but most have dress codes.

Is there a dress code for employees of Spencer gifts?

The only dress requirements are that you must not be exposing any of your private areas, and that you must wear close-toed shoes.

What is the travel requirement for a pediatrician?

Most pediatricians do not travel much for their jobs.

Can the US Delta Force wear the US flag on their uniforms?

delta are authorized not to wear any BDU's at all. they wear civlian dress and have civilian appearance to blend in.

Do you have any pictures of pediatricians?

Not as of right now, but we plan to post some.

Is the colts getting new uniforms?

The Colts have not announced any changes to their uniforms.

What countries wear uniforms?

Any country could have school uniforms, really.

Are there any statistics about school uniforms?

95% Of New Orleans require school uniforms

Do pediatricians deliver babies?

Pediatricians do not typically deliver babies, though they are often in the room to take care of the baby once it is born in case there are any complications. But the doctor that does the delivering is usually an obstetrician.

Do veterinarians have to wear uniforms on the job?

In most cases, no - veterinarians simply have to adhere to the dress code of the practice or office they are working in. In general this will mean either scrubs or business casual clothing, plus or minus a white lab coat depending upon the lab. However, there are veterinarians who are on active duty with the uniformed services (Army, Air Force, Public Health Corp, etc) as well as veterinarians who are in the Reserves and the Guard who may be activated. When on active duty, veterinarians in the uniformed services must wear their uniforms as dictated by the military dress code or they are subject to disciplinary action.

What is some general information about pediatricians?

dosnt show any improvment in shot. 94% better