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No. A 14 or 15 year old is very unlikely to be able to feed, clothe and house themselves, particularly if they are going to stay in school. The state doesn't want uneducated, unsupported and unsupervised minors running around.

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Q: Are there any exceptions in Oregon that allow a 14 or 15 year old girl that is a ward of the state to be granted Emancipation?
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How does a 15-year-old get an emancipation from their parent in the state of Oregon?

Sorry, but you can't at 15 in Oregon. Few states allow anyone to apply for emancipation that has not reached working age, normally 16. You have to be able to support yourself to become emancipated.

What is the process of emancipation?

You must first find out if your state allow emancipation. If it does, there are stipulations concerning at what age it is ever allowed. It is still very difficult to have emancipation granted. You must be able to prove complete financial independence typically. Marriage or abandonment by parents are other reasons.

Can abused children be granted emancipation from their abusive parent?

Most likely will they be taken into foster care and get emancipated like everyone else at 18 but if they are closer to the age of emancipation the judge sometimes allow it. So it depends on how old they are.

Does Indiana allow for a minor to file for emancipation prior to age 18?

No, they do not have an emancipation statute to allow it.

Can you get emacipated at 17 in the state of Alabama?

In the US, it's highly unlikely that you will be emancipated. Emancipation is rarely granted to begin with, and when the minor has a child it reduces the chances of it being granted even further (for many reasons).

Does NY state have statutes to allow emancipation?

No, New York does not have emancipation statutes.

Can you still get emancipated if your parents are against as a seventeen year old female it in Mississippi?

{| |- | Mississippi does not have an emancipation statute. In states that do allow emancipation it does not require parental consent. The court decides whether emancipation should be granted or not. They usually take the parents' desires into consideration. They do not want the child to become a ward of the state instead of being taken care of by the parents. |}

Does Ohio allow minors to petition for emancipation?

No they do not.

Does the state of Oregon allow a felon to buy a hunting license?

Does the state of Oregon allow a felon to buy a hunting licese?

Is emancipation legal as of 2013?

It depends on the state or jurisdiction. About two thirds of the states in the US allow emancipation of minors.

Does NJ allow emancipation of a minor?

{| |- | No they do not. There is no emancipation statute in New Jersey. You will have to wait until you are 18 to move out or contract. |}

Is there an emancipation age in Kentucky?

Certainly, when you turn 18. Until then your parents are responsible for you. There is no emancipation statute to allow you to leave earlier.