

Are there any healthy sugars

Updated: 8/20/2019
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10y ago

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There are healthy sweeteners, like honey and stevia. There are also natural sugars in fruits. Table sugar, which is refined, and high fructose corn syrup (HFCS) are unhealthy. Artificial sweeteners are also unhealthy.

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Q: Are there any healthy sugars
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What are healthy sugars?

The best are those that occur naturally in fruits and vegetables. Limit yourself on any others.

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Because they produce healthy sugars that give you minerals or nutrients

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An apple does not contain any fat. It is, however, a good source of vitamin C and fiber, and the healthy sugars it contains are a great energy boost.

Is Dunkin' Donuts green tea healthy?

Yes, Dunkin Donuts green tea is in fact healthy. However, it is only healthy if you do not add any additional sugars to it. Just stick with the green tea and a slice of lemon and you will soak up all the nutritional benefits of green tea!

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Sugars wouldn't pass which would mean that we wouldn't get any sugar and the cells wouldn't accept any sugars and we wouldn't get any sugars and the cells would die because of not getting ant sugars.

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Substances absent from filtrate and urine?

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