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3 Things:

1) Help them find their strengths. Everyone has a gift or strong suit... Help the person to find and develop their strengths. Use these strengths to capitalize on the many things they CAN do.

2) Don't use the "disability" as an excuse. Everyone has some adversity or challenge to overcome, but where appropriate, hold your child to the same standards as you would with any other child. Doing so will make him or her stronger in the long run and give them the best chance to function more independently.

3) Be there to help. Independence doesn't mean dropping someone in the middle of the ocean. Growing up is difficult enough for any child and can be stressful at many different levels. Knowing that they have a safety net is a critical part of developing confidence and allows them to stretch their abilities without being frozen by overwhelming fears of failure.

Once a child can take advantage of his or her strengths, and achieves that critical confidence level to attempt new things, increased independence is not far behind.

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Q: Are there any help for parents who have kids with a disability?
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