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Ovarian cancer is sometimes genetic, so chances of preventing it in truth, are small. You can make sure you aren't smoking, ease the stress in your household, and get plenty of exercise. This, along with regular check ups is the only way to protect yourself from ovarian cancer.

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Q: Are there any measures that can reduce the risk of ovarian cancer?
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Will getting your tubes tied decrease risk of ovarian cysts?

Getting tubal ligation (your tubes tied) does reduce the risk of ovarian cancer by 30% and higher. Ovarian cancer is a rare type of cancer that often presents symptoms in later stages.

Do oral contraceptives reduce ovarian cancer?

Research indicates that with 10 to 12 years of oral contraceptive use, a woman's risk of ovarian cancer is reduced by up to 80%

Can a vegan diet prevent the recurrence of ovarian cancer?

Studies show that a vegan diet can help reduce the risk of ovarian cancer. Click on the link below, under 'Related links'.

What is oophrectomy?

Oophorectomy is a surgical procedure to remove one or both ovaries. It is typically done to treat conditions such as ovarian cancer, endometriosis, or ovarian cysts, or to reduce the risk of ovarian cancer in high-risk individuals. The procedure may be done as part of a hysterectomy or alone.

Can genetics cause ovarian cancer?

Women who have even one close relative with the disease increase their risk threefold. In addition, if a woman has had breast cancer , she is at an increased risk for ovarian cancer.

Frequently Asked Questions About Ovarian Cancer ?

Ovarian cancer is the seventh most common form of cancer in women in the United States. According to the American Cancer Society, approximately 21,990 new cases of ovarian cancer were diagnosed in 2011, and an average of 15,460 women in the United States will die from ovarian cancer. Learning about ovarian cancer, its symptoms, and treatments, can help women get an early diagnosis.Is there a way to prevent ovarian cancer?At this time, there is no way to prevent ovarian cancer from forming. There are several things that a women can do to lower her risk of developing the condition. Taking oral contraceptives can reduce the risk of developing ovarian cancer by nearly 50 percent if taken for at least 5 years. Pregnancy and breast-feeding also reduces the risk. Other factors that reduce the risk of ovarian cancer include tubal ligation, hysterectomy, and prophylactic oophorectomy (removal of the ovaries).Does ovarian cancer show symptoms during its early stages?Symptoms of ovarian cancer can be hard to distinguish from other conditions, and can commonly mimic non-gynecologic conditions. Many women have stated that they had symptoms from their ovarian cancer, even in the earlier stages. These symptoms included: abdominal discomfort or bloating, pelvic pain, urgent need to urinate, persistent gas, nausea, indigestion, unexplained weight loss or gain or changes in bowel habits, loss of appetite, feeling full during or quickly after a meal, lack of energy, pain during intercourse, shortness of breath, or lower back pain.Who is at risk for ovarian cancer?The exact cause of ovarian cancer is not certain, but studies have shown several factors that may increase a woman's chance of developing the condition. Woman with a family history of ovarian cancer, especially among first-degree relatives, have an increased risk. Ovarian cancer also increases its risk as the woman becomes older. Most cases occur in women over the age of 50. Women who have never had children are more likely to develop ovarian cancer. Those who use fertility drugs or have had hormone replacement therapy are also at risk, although this is somewhat controversial.

Does the birth control pill cause ovarian cancer?

It appears that birth control pills lower the lifelong risk of ovarian cancer.

Can polycystic ovary syndrome cause cancer?

Women with polycystic ovarian syndrome are at higher risk of cancer of the lining of the uterus (endometrial cancer). Ensuring regular shedding or control of the lining can reduce or eliminate this risk. Options include cyclic progestins or other hormonal contraception.

How does postmenopausal estrogen use affect risk of ovarian cancer?

The use of postmenopausal estrogen supplementation for 10 years or more may double a woman's risk of ovarian cancer. Short-term use does not seem to alter one's risk factor.

Can ovarIAN cancer be picked up with cerVICAL cancer?

Ovarian cancer and cervical cancer have nothing in common other than the fact that they occur in the female reproductive tract. Cervical cancer can be detected early with pap smears and other screening tests, and prevented with HPV vaccine. There are few, if any, screening tests for ovarian cancer. Only hormonal contraception has been shown to lower the risk of ovarian cancer.

Does aspirn reduce cancer risk?

If you consider a head ace cancer.

What is the most common cause of death for women?

Heart disease is the most common cause of death for women in most countries. Other leading causes include cancer, stroke, and respiratory diseases. Preventive measures such as maintaining a healthy lifestyle, regular exercise, and annual check-ups can help reduce the risk of these conditions.