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Q: Are there any meds that cannot be tolerated when taken with Prialt?
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When should meds be taken?

Read the bottle

Can Citalopram be taken with Omeprazole?

Yes you can I take the same meds and have for years.

What is rate of absorption?

This is how fast or slow that something is taken up. If you take meds, they are not taken up (absorbed) immediately.

Why is warfarin taken same time daily?

Any meds should be taken same time daily so your body becomes accustomed and so YOU remember to take them

Can seroquel and remeron be taken together?

Yes, but as both meds are highly sedative, you will feel very sleepy, at least in the beginning.

Would it be ok to disguise medication in food or drink?

Yes. Just make sure the food/drink can be taken at the same time as the medicine. example: alcohol cannot be taken with a lot of meds and you can't drink juice with some pills. Also make sure you get enough liquid. With some medication you have to drink a full glass of water.

Do you have to fast for dilantin level?

No - you do not have to fast for a depakote level. However. Make sure you have your levels taken early in the morning befoe you have taken your meds. NO!- You must have your lvls check after 12hours. So if you are like me and take your meds at 9pm then you should have your lvls checked at 9am. This info from my Nurse!

Should children's amphetame be taken daily or given a break on weekends?

Kids with ADD should not take meds just take red #40 food coloring out of there diet and give them Attention you can get it at health stores. They don't meds you can take care of that your self Doctors want tell you that they want to drug them up with ADHD meds!

What can you take for anxiety during pregnancy?

Talk to a doctor or a mental health professional. make sure they know your pregnant as some things you wont be allowed to take.

Workmans comp responsible for pharmacy bills?

Only for meds that are related to the injury or illness for which you are receiving compensation . If you cannot afford your other meds on your compensation, see if you qualify for Mediaid or Social Security Supplemental Income [ SSSI ]. Have your doc prescribe generic meds when appropiate. Some drug companies offer assistance programs as well.

Elderly adults frequently have difficulty swallowing their medication What should you do if you observe this?

Some meds can be crushed and placed in food; check with your doctor to see if it can or not. Some can be snapped in half and taken a little at a time. You can also see if any of their meds come in liquid form.

Why does medicine for depression cause dry mouth?

I have taken different meds for bipolar and they all seem to cause dry mouth. It is a drag but an unfortunate reality.