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Christchurch earthquake

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Were there any signs of the earthquake in Haiti?


Was there any after shocks in the haiti earthquake?

As in most larger earthquakes there will be after shocks. Haiti was no exception.

Did Haiti have any wars?

No, Haiti was damaged by a earthquake. I am pretty sure that the quake was 10.0.

Was there any injuries from the Haiti earthquake?

Ofcourse dodo brain..........

Has haiti had any earthquakes before it's 2010 earthquake?

No it hasn't.

Did the Haiti earthquake kill any tourists?

no it didn't kill all of them

Should the people in haiti be blamed for the earthquake?

No, nothing they did had any influence on the level of Earth's crust where the Earthquake originated.

Did the earthquake in haiti take more lives than any earthquake to date?

In recent history, a Chinese earthquake killed about 255,000 in 1976 - at the moment the thinking is that Haiti killed fewer - and further back in history another in China killed over 800,000 in the 16th century.

What was the impact on Haiti?

Haiti's impact is the people did not have enough of any thing not even medical help.Please try to donate and thank god this earthquake did not happen were you lives.Bless you!

Did the earthquake affect any major event in Haiti?

yes now almost all are living in tents

Why was haiti ill prepared for this earthquake?

It's difficult to prepare for an event that may occur at any time or not at all. The US kidnapped Haiti's democratically elected president. The US disrupted Haiti's economy, forcing people off the farms and into the barrios.

Did the President of Haiti survive the earthquake on January 12 2010?

Yes, he did. There has been much concern in Haiti (as reported in American media) over his lack of any formal communication between him and the people, but he is alive.