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A:There are many artefacts which, if true, would prove the existence of Jesus.

Helena, mother of the fourth-century Christian emperor of Rome, Constantine, went to Palestine and found, to her complete satisfaction, several things allegedly associated with the life of Jesus. These included the birthplace of Jesus, the spot on which he was crucified and the cave in which he was buried, and most importantly of all, the very cross on which he had been crucified so many centuries earlier. Pieces of this cross are to be found all over Europe, supposedly enough to make several true crosses.

Several shrouds, each of which was the true shroud in which Jesus was buried, came to light in the Middle Ages. The most famous of these is called the Shroud of Turin, which the Catholic Church continues to revere, notwithstanding that several tests have indicated it to be a medieval forgery. According to a report, written by Bishop Pierre D'Arcis in 1389 to the Avignon pope, Clement VII, the shroud was being used as part of a faith-healing scam.

A first-century Ossuary, or bone box, was found in a Israeli dealer's home, with the words, "James son of Joseph brother of Jesus". If genuine, it could provide circumstantial evidence for the existence of Jesus, although it has been pointed out that James, Joseph and Jesus were such common first century names, that sooner or later there would be a James son of Joseph brother of Jesus, also that the words are unclear as to whether this Jesus was the brother of Joseph or of James. In any case, part of the writing on ossuary has been declared a probable forgery and the dealer has been committed for trial on a count of forgery. Whether or not he is found guilty, the likelihood that the text is forged remains.

Each of these objects is subject to doubts regarding authenticity and therefore can not be used as evidence for the existence of Jesus. The gospels were written anonymously many decades after the time Jesus is said to have been crucified, and do not provide objective evidence for his existence. The Apostle Paul seems to have been unaware that Jesus was a man who had lived in Palestine in the very recent past. For objective evidence of the existence of Jesus, there is none.

A New Testament perspective:No, there are not. Such "proof" would negate the single most essential element for the believer in Christ: faith.

Hebrews 11:6 - But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.

Hebrews 11:1 - Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. (KJV)

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