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Q: Are there any occult shops outside of the French Quarter in New Orleans?
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Use occult in a sentence?

He dabbled in the occult. she had an occult tumor.

In the French Quarter there is often a statue of Jesus on a voodoo altar. How is Jesus involved in voodoo?

Jesus was never involved with voodoo. Voodoo is a combination of occult practices that originated in parts of Africa mixed with Roman Catholicism brought to the United States from islands in the Caribbean such as Haiti. It is prevalent in the southern states including Louisiana and New Orleans in particular. If you read the bible you will see how Jesus warned about occult practices and also about the Roman Catholic Church, both equally as evil in their perversion of the word of God (the bible) and His true church. I have no doubt there is a statue of Jesus on a Voodoo alter, but this is a result of humans, not God. It seems there is no limit to the perversions of mankind under the guise of freedom of worship.

What is sentence using the word occult?

The murderer was an occult worshipper.Horoscopes are entertainment, not occult study.

What does occult mean?

Occult means "things that are hidden." (My socks are often hidden.....very occult)

What is an occult hernia?

An occult hernia is a hernia that is not visible from the outside due to its location inside the body. It may not present with the typical bulging or protrusion that is often seen in other types of hernias, making it harder to diagnose. Occult hernias may still cause symptoms such as pain or discomfort, and may require medical intervention.

What is Difference between occult and horror fiction?

Horror fiction scares you... Occult fiction involves the paranormal or satanism. Horror might involve occult subjects, and Occult might scare you... so there is a lot of crossover. But that is the difference. There are Horror books that are definitely not occult and Occult books that are not horror. To read more about Occult and see more of the difference, please see the wikipedia page:

When did The Occult Review end?

The Occult Review ended in 1951.

When was Occult Reich created?

Occult Reich was created in 1974.

When was Occult Medicine created?

Occult Medicine was created in 2004.

What is the pronunciation of the French word 'surnaturel'?

"Syoor-nah-tyoo-rehl" is the pronunciation of the French word surnaturel.Specifically, the French word can be the masculine form of an adjective or noun. It means "eery, supernatural" as an adjective. It means "(the) occult, (the) supernatural" as a noun.

Is Wiccaism and Paganism still considered to be part of the Occult?

That sort of depends on who you ask... Wiccans and Pagans will tell you no. What we do is a belief system, much like any other belief system, those on the outside, who do not understand our ways, tend to bunch us all under the Occult umbrella.

The field of chemistry searches for knowledge mainly in the occult phenomena?
