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yes, there is like in Harry Potter movies If you're interested in auditioning for movies, you should try to find a agency or something of the sort because it's pretty rare to come across an open call audition. If you're looking for open call auditions, you could try finding websites with the information about open auditions.

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Q: Are there any open auditons for a 12 year old girl?
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if you go on they have some auidtions all over the UK so it might be worth having a look.

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No, they just randomly pick people of the street. Of [i]course[/i] they auditions in England.

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I think Harry Potter might be open call. < that's for over 15year olds =(

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No sorry You can get tailored SMS notifications of all upcoming auditions, open castings, modeling calls, and such, for your designated areas,

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You have to be a part of an agency to do this. A MAJOR won. And you pretty much HAVE to live in CA.

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Don't go to an audition if it costs anything, because it is likely to be a scam.

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At last look Tignes was open all year.

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You'll have to look online, as far as I know, their aren't any currently. Usually for such important figures, directors already have a well known actor in mind.

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if you go on they have some auidtions all over the UK so it might be worth having a look.