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There is an over-the-counter solution for hair loss. Rogaine is a common product found in drugstores, and you can often find a generic version for much cheaper.

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Q: Are there any over-the-counter drugs for hair loss treatments?
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Natural Hair Loss Treatments?

People think of their hair as their crowning glory. But what happens when the hair starts to thin and fall out? They search for a cure to the problem. Natural hair loss treatments are the answer for many who lose their hair. Many experts in the hair loss treatment field believe that natural hair loss treatments that use herbs, vitamin supplements, and natural foods can help dramatically with hair loss in most individuals.

Do you know of any hair loss treatments that have positive results?

Most of the hair loss treatments are shams. If you are interested in approved hair loss treatments visit this website I personally know of none that actually work.

What are some common treatments for hair loss?

Some common treatments for hair loss are having hair transplant surgery or certain medication. The most notable medications are Bosley Hair Cream and ScalpMed shampoo products.

What can men do to prevent or reverse hair loss?

There are four things that a man can do to prevent or reverse hair loss and they are: diet, stop stressing, limit chemical treatments and use clinical hair growth treatments.

What are the best hair loss treatments?

The sites have treatment of hair loss options for the individual like yourself that either uniquely experience hair loss or knows someone who does.

What hair loss treatments are available for women?

Treatments for women are similar to those for men. Rogaine makes products for hair loss. Women have also been prescribed estrogen to try to offset hair loss. There are also special shampoos, some of a vinegar base, that can help prevent or reduce loss.

Is hair loss reversible?

It is reversible for some men with the proper treatments.

What are the only two approved hair loss treatments?

Minoxidil and Finasteride.

What are some hair loss treatments that are most effective?

There are a wide range of hair loss treatments available. A few examples of what works are: DHT inhibitors, growth stimulants, anti-androgens and anti-inflammatories.

How do you prevent hair loss men?

Hair loss is usually genetic and can't really be completely prevented but there are ways to postpone hair loss. Basically just try to eat healthy and exercise. And don't dye your hair! There are also treatments to help regrow hair that has already been lost. Rogaine is one of those treatments.

What drugs causes hair loss?

Anabolic steroids