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Q: Are there any people that question Lewis and clarks expedition with Sacajawea?
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People on Lewis and clarks expedition?

Lewis, Clark, Sacajawea

What was Lewis and Clarks experiences with the Native Americans?

They met with the Shoshonis, Sacajawea's people. There Sacajawea got to see her brother again, who was the Chief.

How many people went with Lewis and clark on their journey?

There were 33 individuals on the expedition, plus Sacajawea.

Who went on the expedition with Lewis and Clark?

Sacagawea went with Lewis and Clark. she was invaluable to the explorers because she could translate for them in dealings with the Shoshones, whose land the expedition passed through.

Did people help Sacagawea become famous?

Well, I know how Sacajawea became famous. It's because she led Lewis and Clark on their expedition. Sorry if that wasn't what you wanted to know.

Who were the 4 main people that were involved in the Corps of Discovery?

The historical figures were Lewis and Clark, Sacajawea, and her French-Canadian trapper husband. These four and about three dozen others made up the Lewis and Clark Expedition to the American Northwest in 1804-1806. Sacajawea and Charbonneau joined the expedition in November, 1804, in Mandan tribal areas in what is now North Dakota.Meriwether Lewis (1774-1809)William Clark (1770-1838)Sacajawea (aka Sacagawea, Sakakawea), a Shoshone woman (1788-1812?)Toussaint Charbonneau (1767-1843), married Sacajawea in 1804 (but already had a Shoshone wife)

Who is sakagewea?

Sakagewea who was soooo sexy an native American women some people confuse her with Pocohautas she was an Natie American princess anyway Sakagewea was kidnapped by Lewis and clark to help them with them with their Exepition which was called Lewis and Clarks Expedition

What does Sacajawea speak?

Sacajawea spoke the dialect of the Shoshone people, and couldn't speak English or French.

Who were the people who adopted Sacajawea?

hidatsa and madan people

How many people were in Sacajawea famliy?

64 people

Did Sacagawea make tools what did she make did she make jewelry?

Sacajawea was very helpful to the Lewis and Clark Expedition. Like many girls, she enjoyed making jewelry. She helped gather food for the people on the Expedition. I do not know if she made tools, because I am assuming they already brought some with them.

Who said Everything she did on that journey was for her people?
