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Their are a lot of products available in the drugstore and even on supermarkets to prevent your hair to getting thinner. But would regards to some advice they said that you have to eliminate using shampoos everyday because of the chemicals it in it, it would damage your hair.

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Q: Are there any products to prevent hair loss in women?
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What hair loss treatments are available for women?

Treatments for women are similar to those for men. Rogaine makes products for hair loss. Women have also been prescribed estrogen to try to offset hair loss. There are also special shampoos, some of a vinegar base, that can help prevent or reduce loss.

Can specific vitamins within hair products result in hair loss for women?

There seems to be no evidence that hair products cause hair loss. However, non-chemical hair products such as hair irons, curlers and brushes can contribute to hair loss, as can stress and illness.

Does anyone know a business that sells something to prevent hair loss?

There is a business that sell products for hair loss. The name is Revivogen and one can visit their website at They offer several products for hair loss which separate their products for male and females.

Where can I find vitamins for hair loss in women online?

You can find hair loss products for women at the Rogaine website. Once on the page, click on "For Women" at the top of the page and click on "Products" to bring up a listing of available products.

What causes hair loss and how can I prevent it?

Sickness, stress, surgery, thyroid or other hormonal problems, aging, certain medications, and constant pressure on the hair, use of hair care products with harsh chemicals, undergo lots of hair treatments can cause hair loss. Women can experience hair loss post-pregnancy too.

Does anything work for hair loss?

There are products that people claim work for hair loss. Rogaine is just one product available for hair loss in men and women.

What are side effects will be expected for women when using hair loss products?

Hair loss products for women may cause allergice reactions in a small percentage of users. You may also experience acne and a reddening color in the face.

What are some creams that help prevent hair loss?

There are many hair creams available that are designed to prevent hair loss. Examples include Ervamatin Hair Lotion, Himalaya Hair Loss Cream, and Trichup Herbal Hair Fall Control Cream. Most hair loss creams, including those listed above, are available through retailers of hair products , such as Amazon Health Care.

What hair loss products for women are available over the counter?

Currently there are only two FDA approved hair loss products available on the market. The first is Minoxidil, and the second is Finesteride. Rogaine is one example of a hair loss product which contains Minoxidil.

Can you apply onion juice directly on hairs for prevent hair loss?

yes you can apply onion juice to your hair to prevent hair loss.

Does Zinc prevent hair loss?


Are there any hair loss products for women that work?

One product that has about a sixty percent success rate is Rogaine for women. You might also consider surgical hair replacement procedures.