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First,"spanish fly" is another of those urban legends. It doesn't work or at least doesn't do what you think it does. Anyone who is willing to sell you something that "guarantees" results is just after your money. Why not just try to establish a relationship with a woman instead of treating her like something to be conquered? And please note, adding substances to drinks or food is poisoning, and in many places is considered a felony, particularly if the item is an illegal substance (i.e., date rape drugs). If the item added causes actual problems, such as illness or death, that can be attempted murder or even murder. And the use of poison in most states is first degree or pre-meditated murder. And rape under such circumstances can be a capital offense. I haven't heard that term since the 50s! The 'Spanish Fly' was suppose to arouse one sexually.

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Q: Are there any side effects by mixing 'Spanish Fly' with alcohol?
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Ask your prescribing doctor. Mixing either Clonazepam or Lexapro with alcohol will severely increase the effect of both medications, as well as the alcohol. Mixing Clonazepam and Lexapro will cause your respiratory and nervous system to slow down. Mixing cannabis and antidepressants is not recommended, but if you know your limits, the dangerous side effects are minimal.

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Lexapro potentiates (amplifies) the effects of alcohol. That means that if you drink while taking it, effects like confusion, motor skills and depression may be increased. Recommendations are that you have no more than one beer, one glass of wine, or one 1-1/2 oz. drink.

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