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Millions. West Side Story is a readily accessible reinterpretation of Shakespeare's story, assuming that's what you meant by comparable...

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Q: Are there any specific stories that compare to Romeo and Juliet?
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When Juliet appears on the roof what does romeo compare her to?

the sun

What does Romeo compare Juliet's love to?

Princess Diana

What is romeo and Juliet based on?

Romeo and Juliet is the play- it is by William Shakespeare. If you mean what play is based on Romeo and Juliet, you may be thinking of West Side Story, or loads of other love stories.

Examples of tragedy stories?

Romeo and Juliet By William Shakespeare

What does Juliet compare romeo to in the balcony scene?

The sun!

Where in the play does romeo compare Juliet to the sun?

Balcony scene

What does romeo react to what Juliet said?

Romeo and Juliet have a number of conversations in which Romeo can react to many things Juliet says. In other words, this cannot be answered unless it is more specific.

What heavenly bodies does Romeo compare Juliet's eyes to?

Romeo compares Juliet's eyes to the stars in the night sky, because they sparkle and shine.

What is Diana in Romeo and Juliet?

In "Romeo and Juliet," Diana is a figurative reference to the Roman goddess of the moon and hunting, symbolizing chastity and purity. The character of Diana is invoked by Romeo to emphasize Juliet's beauty and compare her to the goddess.

Compare the character of romeo from romeo and Juliet with the character of tony from west side story or the character of Juliet from romeo and Juliet with character of maria from westside story?

Romeo from "Romeo and Juliet" and Tony from "West Side Story" are both passionate, impulsive young men who fall in love quickly and face tragic consequences. Juliet from "Romeo and Juliet" and Maria from "West Side Story" are both young women who experience forbidden love across rival factions, leading to heartbreak and loss. Both pairs of characters embody the themes of love, conflict, and tragedy in their respective stories.

What Shakespeare love stories are there?

Romeo and Juliet, Midsummer's Night Dream................

What does lady Capulet compare count Paris with in romeo and Juliet?

A flower.