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Yes. Most swamps and flooded forests in Mexico are found along the Gulf of Mexico coast. One example is the Pantanos de Centla natural reserve, which is composed by subtropical broad-leaf forests and wetlands. Such reserve is in southeastern Mexico, on the delta of the Grijalva and Usumacinta rivers (see related links for a map).

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12y ago

I dont think there are any swamps.

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Q: Are there any swamps in Mexico?
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there r'nt any they're swamps! =D x

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Yes, there are. The Kauri swamps for instance. And the Wood Swamp.

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What is the land like along the gulf of Mexico?

It is mostly low-lying but it has many swamps and marshes.

Do swamps get any precipitation?

simple answer is yes. It rains everywhere

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You can keep swamps healthy by keeping them free of pollution. Any type of pollution such as littering and other waste can contribute to the deterioration of a swamp or any other landform.

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the plants which live in water are callled aquatic plants

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Claire Raddant

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