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there, two, that, state, store, clothing, drink, clean, what, produce, where, who, brain, smoke, chair

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Q: Are there any words that have two consonants for the first two letters?
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Is there any words without consonants?

hmm well i can only think of a and i >_<

What does vowels and consonants mean?

Vowels are sounds produced without any significant constriction of the airflow in the vocal tract, while consonants are sounds produced with partial or complete constriction of the airflow. In written language, vowels are the letters A, E, I, O, U (and sometimes Y), while all other letters are considered consonants.

Any letter or letters other than vowels in the alphabet?

The letters that are not vowels are called consonants. The vowels are A,E,I,O and U. Everything else is a consonant.

What does you call first and last alphabet of a word?

Words don't have alphabets. They have letters. The first and last letters of a word od not have any special names in English.

List of Four letter words with double consonants?


When using the words carbon dioxide do the first letters need to be capitalized?

No, but it wouldn't make any difference if you did.

What is consonant and how many consonants are there in English?

a consonant is any letter that is not a vowel. so you have a,e,i,o, and u. there are 26 letters in the alphabet so 21.

What did Hebrew work?

Hebrew is a language that works like any other language. It has consonants and vowels, words and sentences.

What culture developed the alphabet?

It depends on how you define "alphabet"The Egyptians were the first to create any form of phonetic symbol. They had an alphabet with 24 consonants that they mixed in with logo-grams (symbols representing whole words).The Phoenicians were the first to have an entirely phonetic-based writing system (an alphabet of 22 consonants).The Greeks were the first to have a full alphabet of both consonants and vowels.

What is the alliterations of the word meaty?

Alliteration means other words which share consonants with one word (usually the first consonant, but not always). So any word beginning with "m" would be alliterative with 'meaty.'

What are consonents dighraphs?

Consonant digraphs are a combination of two consonant letters that together represent a single sound. Common examples include "ch," "sh," "th," and "ph." Digraphs are used to create specific sounds in words that may not be represented by individual letters.

Is any other name for vowels?

There is not another word for vowels. The vowels in the English language are A, E, I, O, U, and sometimes Y. All the other letters in the alphabet are consonants.