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You can try Beach Body aerobics,it does not require any special equipment.

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Q: Are there any workout videos that I can buy so that I can get an aerobic workout in my own living room without having to buy aerobic machines for my work out?
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How to Buy the Right Kind of Aerobic Equipment?

There is nothing like feeling rejuvenated after an aerobic exercise program. Aerobic exercises are very important for weight management, strength and endurance training and for a healthy lifestyle. The exercises may be high or low impact and may include running, walking, rowing, jogging, cycling, dancing, rowing and skipping.Aerobic equipment are essential to getting the best results from your aerobic exercise and they are wide and varied, ranging from simple weights and dumbbells to more complex equipment with many functions such as treadmills and elliptical machines. The price of the equipment also ranges from an inexpensive jump rope or dumbbell to pricey multi-functional machines such as stair climbers.When buying aerobic equipment there are some things you should consider, namely the cost, space availability, ease and convenience of use, the muscle groups on which you want to focus your exercise and how much you will enjoy the equipment.If you have limited space and want a full body workout, the rowing machine is a good choice. However, it is essential to follow the user’s guide and maintain proper techniques to avoid back injuries.The most popular aerobic equipment in the health clubs are the treadmills and elliptical. They offer versatility for walking and running and they come with many different features. If you have space and money, a treadmill or an elliptical is a good buy, with the elliptical having less stress on your joints.For an inexpensive, flexible, complete and high-intensity workout, which can be done almost anywhere, the jump rope is recommended. Another inexpensive option is the balance ball and trainer, which will help to improve and strengthen your core, coordination and agility.Other aerobic equipment include step machines, stationery bikes and recumbent cycles, which focus on the lower body, with the latter proving more lower back support and less stress on the knees. The cross-country ski machine offers complete body workout and muscle endurance, but it is expensive and can be complicated to master.Before investing in buying aerobic equipment it is best to try out the machines at the gym to get a feel of them and to see if you enjoy using them as well.

Why do my muscles burn 6 days after workout they are not sore but they burn?

The burning sensation is a buildup of lactic acidresulting from having to switch from aerobic metabolism to anaerobic fermentation metabolism.However the lactic acid should wash out of your muscles in hours, it should not still be present days later!!

Does aerobic respiration refer to having oxygen or lacking oxygen?

with oxygen

What are the commercial carpet cleaning machines?

Commercial carpet cleaning machines are similar to home machines, just on a larger scale. They need to have larger water and cleaning solution reservoirs in order to clean larger surfaces without having to stop often to empty and refill the machine.

When should I eat a banana and protein shake After my workout?

You should eat a banana and a protein shake after workout after refreshing and having a shower.

What is meaning of the word mechanical?

Having to do with machines.

How can I inspire people to do Fitness?

Training with someone else is a great way to keep motivated. Having a friend push you can keep you motivated. There are also some cardio machines that include a TV monitor that may help take your mind off the actual workout.

Ice Machines For Sale?

There is actually a smaller ice machine that can be put in a freezer. This is a great way to make large amounts of ice without having to buy a special machine.

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So you can install the drivers in multiple computers without having to download them individually for each computer

Should you eat before weight trianing?

It is not mandatory but having a small meal before a workout doesnt hurt. It will give you the energy that you might require for a good workout. Remember not to have a full stomach meal before a workout as it is not recommended.