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There are three main types of volcano that erupt in different ways, bu these are not levels. There are levels of volcanic eruption on the Volcani Explosivity Index. The scale reanges from VEI-0 for non-explosive eruptions to VEI-8 for the largest super eruptions. Each level on the scale indcates and eruption an order of magnitude large than the one below it.

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Q: Are there different levels of volcanoes?
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Are there any kind of volcanos?

There are three different types of volcanoes. The types of volcanoes are shield volcanoes, dome volcanoes, and also composite volcanoes.

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you say there is three different kinds of volcanoes when there are six different kinds of volcanoes

What are the three different volcanoes?

The three different types of volcanoes include the following; shield volcanoes, composite volcanoes, and the cinder cone volcanoes. These all have their names because of the size and shape of the out rocks of the actual volcano itself.

Why are there different shaped volcanoes?

Different shaped volcanoes occur because of the way the magma flows. Three types of volcanoes are shield, composite, and caldera.

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What are the names of the different types of volcano formations?

shield volcanoes, composite volcanoes and cinder cone volcanoes

Name the different types of volcanoes according to their shape?

There are three types of volcanoes which have different shapes and types of eruptions. * Shield Volcanoes - are low and flat and have small, flowing eruptions. * Composite Volcanoes - are a mixture between shield volcanoes and cone volcanoes, their eruptions are explosive. * Cone Volcanoes - are the tallest and largest volcanoes, and they have VERY explosive eruptions.

How many types of volocanoes are there?

There are actually quite a few different kinds of volcanoes in the world such as active volcanoes. These volcanoes include also underwater volcanoes and inactive volcanoes.

How are cinder volcanoes different from composite volcanoes?

Cinder cone volcanoes are much shorter and a little bit wider.

What variables with in volcanoes cause different types of eruptions?

The amount of gas and the pressure in the volcanoes.

Do volcanoes produce large amounts of ash when they erupt?

Volcanoes with high levels of water in their lava produce ash, those with dry lava produce no ash.

Why were volcanoes made?

Volcanoes are evidence of the ceaseless tectonic activity that our planet has. The molten core of the earth drives all of the processes we see, including volcanoes, earthquakes, even as high up as the northern lights. The heat that is inside of our planet is the driving force behind volcanoes, however volcanoes form in many different areas, and under many different conditions. Different types of volcanoes are evidence of different processes being present underground. However, to put it simply without the heat from the core of the earth there wouldn't be any volcanoes.