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no, gametes are 1/4 of a diploid cell.

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Q: Are there half as many genes in gametes as there are in normal cells?
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Are most animal gametes diploid or haploid?

Gametes are haploid, meaning they contain half the genetic material of normal (somatic) cells. This is so that when the two different gametes fuse (during sexual reproduction), the resulting organism will once again have the correct amount of chromosomes - half from each gamete.

What is the significance of the chromosome number in gametes?

Chromosome numbers in gametes are always half that of normal cell. For example human cells have 46 chromosomes but a human gamete (sex cell e.g sperm/eggs) will have half that number which in this case will be 23. The number is chromosomes is halfed in gametes so that when the sperm meets the egg and the fuse to make a zygote that you get half the genetic material from your Mother and half from you Father, meaning you are not a clone.

What cells contain one half the amount of chromosomes and DNA in humans?

Gametes, or sex cells such as the sperm or ova contains half the number of chromosomes so that when they combine they have a normal and full set of chromosomes.

What are the number of gametes made in males?

Gametes are cells that each have half of the normal chromosomes of the individual they belong to. The reason for this is that during reproduction, the chromosomes in each of the gametes add together to create a full set of chromosomes. Each half a set of chromosomes comes from a different person, which is why sexual reproduction produces offspring with mixed and different traits than their parents. The gametes in males are sperm, and the gametes in females are ova(egg cells). I hope this helped out ;)

What produces with half the normal number of chromosome?

the answer is MEIOSIS meiosis produces 4 single cells with half member of the chromosomes mitosis produces 2 cells with full member of the chromosomes

Related questions

How does the number of chromosome in a persons gametes compare with the numbers of chromosomes in the body cells?

There are half as many chromosomes in gametes than in normal body cells.

Are gametes haploid or diploid?

gametes are haploid (half the normal number of chromosomes)

Why it is important for gametes to have half as many chromosomes as normal body cells?

Gametes are involved in sexual reproduction. In order for the resulting cell from two gametes merging to have the correct number and arrangement of chromosomes, the gametes themselves need to each have exactly half of the chromosomes. If this fraction varied in any way, extreme defects would occur due to the highly different genes the resulting cell would have.

Eggs or sperm are what cells?

sex cells are also referred as gametes in Biology.

How many chromosones are in gamete?

23. A gamete contains exactly half the genetic material (and chromosomes) of a normal cell. Humans have 23 pairs of chromosomes in their genome in normal cells. A gamete has 23 (not paired) chromosomes.

How many chromosome' s do people have in their gametes?

Gametes are haploid cells which means they have only half the normal number of somatic cell (diploid). Somatic cells have 46 chromasomes, organised into 23 pairs, and gametes have only one chromasome from each pair.

Did any cell has odd number of chromosomes in it?

in humans the sperm and egg cells (gametes) have 23, half the number of chromosomes as in normal cells

What are the main functions of meiosis?

The main function of meiosis is to produce gametes, which are the egg and sperm cells. These cells have half of the number of chromosomes that are in a normal body cells.

What produces cells with half normal number of chromosomes?

Meiosis is a form of cell division that produces four daughter cells that are haploid (have half the number of chromosomes found in a normal/somatic cell). Meiosis is involved in sexual reproduction, and produces gametes (sperm and ovum/egg).

Specialized sex cells are known as?

Sex cells are also called gametes. Each has 23 chromosomes or half the number of other cells.

What term is used to refer to a cell with only a half set of chromosomes?

Cells which contain half the number of chromosomes (compared to a normal cell) are known as haploid cells. An example of haploid cells is gametes or sex cells.

Why is it neccessry to reduce the chromosome number of gametes but not other cells of an organism?

Gametes are sperm and egg cells. When the sperm fertilizes the egg, their genetic material is joined to form a new cell called a zygote. Because both the sperm and egg cells have half the number of chromosomes as in normal body cells, the zygote will have the full number of chromosomes as in normal body cells.