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Q: Are there interesting things about earth axis?
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What is most interesting about earth?

Unlike some other planets, earth spins on it's own axis.

Is the earth spinning on the x or y axis?

The Earth rotates on the X-Axis but also "wobbles" slightly on the Y-axis. This cause many interesting effects on our tides and day and night cycles in some parts of the world.

Why are the things on earth do not scrumble when the earth is turning around its axis?

Because the earth's gravitation force keeps things in place.

What are 4 interesting things about the Earth's crust?

Its crusty!

What is the imaginary line in which the earth rotates?

Earth's Axis of Rotation, or Earth's Rotational Axis.I haven't heard of other terms.

WHICH SIDE the axis of the earth is tilted?

The Earth spins about its axis. That defines the Earth's axis. It is the axis of spin that is tilted. If the Earth were not spinning it would not have an axis.

What are 2 things the Earth and the Moon share?

Have an axis and they both are rocky planets

What does the earth do on its axis?

The Earth rotates on its axis.

Do earth rotate on an axis?

Yes the Earth does rotate on an axis.

How does earth rotates on its axis?

How does the earth rotate on its axis??it rotates on

What two things cause the seasons to change on earth?

There are two things that cause it which are the earths orbit and thetilt of the earths axis.

Two things happen as the earth rotates on its axis?

the night turns to day and day turns to night ============================== If you want to back away and take the long view ... EVERYTHING happens as the Earth rotates on its axis.