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Yes, there are some laws that restrict discrimination AGAINST disableds.

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You are probably looking for the Americans with Disabilities Act.

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Q: Are there laws for disabled people?
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Can you sue a bank for discrimination of disabled people?

Yes, you can sue a bank for discrimination against disabled people under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and other related laws. It's important to gather evidence of the discrimination and consult with an attorney who specializes in disability discrimination cases to assess your legal options.

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Some countries have strict laws on disabled people and especially harsh on plumbers and electricians and what installations they do. A disabled toilet installation is recommend so that you don't have any conflict with the powers that be.

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Is it this phrase correct disabled people weaknesses'?

No. You could say "disabled people have weaknesses", or "disabled people's weaknesses...".

Does Brazil have disabled people?

Yes, there are many disabled people there.

Where there laws passed against the handicapped people?

Historically, disabled people were just kept away from the people. In Africa today, in some places, people who are deaf or blind or disabled of another variety never leave home. They are shunned totally. Sometimes, they were killed and told that they were miscarriages or that the baby had died at brith. In ancient times, it was very shameful to have a disabled child. That's funny because, history ahs given us some very talented and influential disabled people. But, legally speaking, not usually. Political officials might have had laws banning disabled people from filling the positions. But, as it was throughout the twentieth century (and is in some ways today), disabled people were just barred from public locations or activities or positions by the owners or managers of them. People would just accept their lots in life and not try to better themselves. To be disabled was shameful to those who survived the disability as well. From experience (due to blindness), it is my opinion that the world has improved greatly since those times. I hope I helped.

Can disabled people sing?

yes disabled people can sing all they have to do is practese

How are disabled people treated in your society?

are disabled people made inclusive in our society

Is there a game of table tennis for disabled people?

Yes there is, Disabled people can play normal Table Tennis to but it is better if they played the disabled one.

If a person is totally disabled how can the 7 year statute of limitations be removed from the credit report?

Being disabled does not exempt a person from FRCA laws.

What special care or facilities disabled people require?

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How do disabled people communicate?

disabled people communicate with sign language, and they read and feel the dots.