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Q: Are there more tertiary consumers or producers in a healthy habitat?
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What is one characteristic of a healthy ecosystem?

It must have food, water, and room for animals to live in. If the area is too crowded animals may move on to a different ecosystem. Producers in an ecosystem are the living organisms which provide food for other animals. A good example of a producer is a plant. They can make their own food. Consumers are the animals that eat the food from producers or they eat consumers such as deer, rabbit. If you have same amount of producers and consumers you will have a healthy ecosystem.

What is the process of bringing a damaged habitat back to a healthy condition.?

Habitat restoration.

Why are humans consumers?

Humans are consumers because everything we eat comes from something else. The only way we become producers is if we start eating are own organs, body fluids or our young, for these are the only things we can actually produce. Everything we eat comes from other organisms. Plants are mostly producers, while animals are primarily consumers, like us. However, there are certain exceptions: if I'm not mistaken, sponges (animal) are producers while Venus fly traps (plant) are considered consumers.

What makes a habitat healthy?

Keep it clean

What is an animal or plant that shows if the habitat is healthy?


What is the difference between a consumers and producers?

Producers are organisms that make their own food through photosynthesis or other reactions and are a food source for other organisms (for example: plants, extremophile benthos communities). Consumers are organisms that ingest other organisms, like plants, in order to gain energy (for example: herbivores, carnivores, omnivores, detrivores). So, if there is a rabbit eating a carrot, the carrot is the producer and the rabbit is the consumer. ______ In Biology, producers are plants that create their own food by a process called photosynthesis ., Consumers are plants or animals that must find food to survive. In Economy, producers could be referred to as the big factories that produces goods for the consumers (the customers). The producers know what to produce due to the demand of the consumer for a certain product.

What is the process of bringing a damaged habitat back to a healthy condition called?

cookie monster

Are penguins healthy?

Penguins, when left alone, are usually healthy. It is only when humans start to interfere with their habitat that problems arise.

Is hydroxycut healthy?

No, Hydroxycut is not healthy. Recently the FDA advised consumers to stop using Hydroxycut as it poses serious health risks.

In a healthy ecosystem each population contributes to the of other populations?

It contributes to the habitat

How do armadillo's survive in their habitat?

by eating and getting the right products and staying healthy

What features must an ecosystem have to be balanced?

A healthy balanced ecosystem requires a number of things, which include: space, in the form of land or water, resources, in the form of water, soil, air, minerals, sunlight, etc., an absence of toxic pollution, and a variety of different species which are able to function as a harmonious whole.