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Q: Are there more than 600 muscles in the body?
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Which body system has more the 600 of these that help move?

There are more than 600 muscles in your body

About how many muscles do you have?

your body has 650 muscles to be correct and its more complicated yet more efficient than any machine ever built

Number of voluntary muscles in a body?

There are more than 600 voluntary muscles in the body and it accounts for over 40% of a person's body weight.

Are there over 600 muscles in our body?

Yes, there are way more than 300 muscles in the human body. The minimum number of muscles in the human body is 639 muscles with a maximum pushing 850.


how man muscles are in a human body about 600 how many muscles are in a human body about 600

What muscle tissue helps us move?

More than one muscle, there are over 600 muscles in the human body

How many muscles do you have in your whole self?

We have more than 600 muscles in our whole self

How many muscles are there in your body?

you have more than 600 muscles in your body. They help you do almost everything - from pumping blood throughout your body to lifting your heavy backpack. You control some of your muscles and others, like your heart, do their jobs without you thinking about them at all.

How many muscles do we have in our bodies?

There are approximately 640 skeletal muscles in our bodies.

How many muscles are in a human's body?

There are 640 muscles or over 600 muscles in the human body

How many muscles in there in a human body?

There are over 600 muscles in the human body.

What do you have more bones or more muscles?

You have 212 bones in your body total (including the ones in your ears) and about 660 musceles in your body, but not exactly because people can't agree what defines a muscle...maybe some of our muscles may end up like Pluto and not be called muscles anymore...but for now, on 4/13/10, there are more muscles.