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There was supposed to be, but they announced that it was an April Fools Day joke.

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Q: Are there no child airline flights?
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Why do airline cut flights to certain cities?

It's all about revenue. If the flights are not full enough for the airline to make money, the airline will move the aircraft and the crews to more profitable routes. If the flights are consistently full and more passengers want to travel, the airline will add flights. Sometimes flights are added or lost when the airline changes aircraft types. If the airline moves to larger aircraft then there will usually be fewer flights.

Any Hyampom airport flights?

No, no airline flights to Hyampom. You could charter a General Aviation aircraft to get you there, but there are no scheduled airline flights.

First airline to allow pets on flights?

Cabin pets are First Airline to allowed Pets on international flights.

Can you knit on flights to US?

If the airline you are traveling on allows it? Check with the airline you will be traveling on.

Does easyjet airline do food on their flights?

Yes, at a cost. They are not complimentary on any flights.

How do children under 12 travel alone via airlines?

An adult takes them to the airline counter where the employees of the airline take custody of the child. They are to make sure the child gets on the right plane and goes to the right gates. If there is a transfer of flights the new attendants take the child/children.

What is the average amount of unsecsesful flights does an average airline have yearly?

There is no specific calculation of average amount of unsuccessful flights that an airline have yearly as it differs foe every airline. Plus it varies from year to year.

Which airline provides the cheapest flights to Cook Islands?

The airline that offers the cheapest flights to Cook Islands is Air New Zealand. You can find prices for flights to Cook Islands at the websites Orbitz and Skyscanner.

Where is it possible to buy flights to Bali?

Airline flights to Bali can be purchased through several different avenues. Flights to Bali can be purchased by directly calling an airline and purchasing tickets, or a traveler could use online resources such as Expedia or Kayak to purchase airline tickets.

Which airline has the cheapest flights?

There are many different ways to compare the cheapest airline flights to the Dominican Republic. You can have your travel agent search for you. Or you could go to

Can an airline change my flights without my permission?


DHL employees get cheap flights?

It depends on the Airline service .Dhl employee get cheap flights or not .