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There is only one tallest. Everyone can be tall. If someone is taller than you, they are taller. "Taller" means taller than the last example, so "taller" is the word for all the heights up to tallest.

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Q: Are there only three terms of comparison example tall taller tallest what do you say for heights in between?
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The three degrees of comparison are:positive - no comparison (e.g. tall)comparative - between two things (e.g. taller, taller of, taller than)superlative - between three or more things (e.g. tallest, tallest of, the tallest)

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To compare things we use " DEGREES OF COMPARISON. " there are 3 types of degrees, they are -: POSITIVE DEGREE , COMPARATIVE DEGREE and SUPERLATIVE DEGREE. for example -: he is as tall as his friend. [ positive sentence ] she is smarter than her friend. [ comparative sentence ] this is the tallest building in the town . [ superlative sentence ]

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We know that the word tallest is a superlative descriptive word because of the 'est' suffix. When you compare two people's heights use taller. Use tallest when comparing 3 or more.

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A superlative degree of comparison usually ends in -est E.g. John is the tallest in his class A comparative degree of comparison usually ends in -er E.g. John is taller than Eric.

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