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Nuclear energy means energy obtained from changes in the nucleus, which is nuclear fission on earth and fusion in stars (possibly on earth in the distant future). Radioactivity is also a nuclear phenomenen which can give small amounts of useful energy. When you move to the atomic level you are dealing in Chemistry rather than Nuclear Physics, and some chemical reactions give out energy, most notably the burning of fossil fuels with oxygen.

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There are renewable sources such as solar energy, wind energy, and many more

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Q: Are there other sources of atomic energy other than nuclear energy?
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What other names are there for nuclear energy?

Nuclear power, atomic power used to be the term used but is now not used so much.

Adavntages and disadvantages for nuclear energy?

One advantage of nuclear energy is that it can produce far more power than other sources of energy including wind energy. One disadvantage of nuclear energy is the radioactive waste that is produced.

What is the best definition of nuclear energy?

Energy stored in atomic nuclei that can be transformed into other forms of energy by complex power plants.

How do nuclear energy compare to other energy sources?

it is so powerful yet so expensive and it causes pollution

What are unconventional energy sources?

Unconventional Energy not to be confused with renewable energy. For the US unconventional energy sources are: nuclear(which is not for many other countries, e.g. France), bio-fuels, solar, geothermal and wind.

What is uses of nuclear energy?

The use of nuclear energy is to produse large quantity of electricity, whihh is higher than other energy sources. But the drawback is its safty and cost, requirement of skilled person...

What energy source that is the origin of most other energy sources?

Nuclear energy and morePresleyfusion nuclear energy that isresponsiblyof sun heat and solar radiation.

What are 5 renewable energy sources other than solar energy?

The five sources of energy are solar, nuclear, wind, hydroelectric and fossil fuels. Nowadays there are five energy sources: fossil fuels, nuclear, wind, hydroelectric amd solar. The alternative sources are solar, wind and hydroelectric.

What is the Comparison of nuclear energy with other forms of energy?

The only difference is how it is made (nuclear energy involves some form of atomic fusion/fission process). Once the electricity leaves the power station, there is no difference.

What is an advantage of nuclear energy?

Nuclear energy is the world's largest source of emission-free energy. Nuclear power plants produce no controlled air pollutants, such as sulfur and particulates, or greenhouse gases. The use of nuclear energy in place of other energy sources helps to keep the air clean, preserve the Earth's climate, avoid ground-level ozone formation and prevent acid rain. Of all energy sources, nuclear energy has perhaps the lowest impact on the environment, including water, land, habitat, species, and air resources. Nuclear energy is the most eco-efficient of all energy sources because it produces the most electricity relative to its environmental impact.

What is secondary energy conversion?

Secondary energy is converted from primary energy sources. Electricity is the most common example of a secondary energy source. Electricity is converted from coal, gas, nuclear plants, windmills, solar panels and even running water.

Why is nuclear energy used more widely in countries that have meager energy supplies?

bcz when nuclear rxn takes place energy is released in vast amount comparable to any other sources which can generate energy in any form