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Q: Are there palm trees in Bethlehem in winter?
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Is there palm trees in Bethlehem?


Does Massachusetts have palm trees?

Believe it or not, there are Palm trees in Massachusetts. However, there is only two types that you could grow here and that would survive the winter here. Those are the Needle Palm, and Windmill Palm. Most of our Palm Trees are in pot's in urban areas, or on the south coast. I myself have a potted Windmill palm on my porch. I live west of Boston, I have seen a few queen palms as well, but you have to bring those in the winter. I think you could grow any palm in a pot if you wanted too. Just bring it in in the winter. So the answer is yes, Massachusetts does have Palm trees.

Why are palm trees dying in Liverpool?

Probably because of the severe weather this winter.

What is the collective for palm trees?

The collective noun for palm trees is a grove of palm trees.

Will palm trees grow in central Illinois?

Yes, a palm tree will easily grow in Illinois during the summer months. However, it is quite possible the said palm tree will also die come the winter season.

Do palm trees grow in Massachusetts?

Palm Trees do not grow naturally in Massachusetts but you can grow real Palm Trees within the state. Windmill Palm Trees and Needle Palms are the two Palm Trees able to survive in Massachusetts. In the Winter both of these palms can withstand temperatures to -20 degrees. Palm Trees are easier to grow in eastern Massachusetts than western. Eastern Mass is Worcester and east. The best locations to grow palms in Eastern Mass is areas on the coast. For example, Boston and Cape Cod and the Islands (Nantucket and Martha's Vineyard).

Does Oregon have palm trees along the coast?

While certainly not native to the region, some resident have successfully maintained various species of palm trees. They tend to not grow as tall as palm trees in warmer regions and can require some protection during the infrequent cold snaps that can occur in the winter months.

Is there palm trees in Maine?

No. There is not palm trees in the state of Maine. It's to cold for them.

Do lagoons have palm trees?

No. Palm trees grow on land, not in the water.

Are palm trees Non-vascular or vascular?

All palm trees are vascular plants. Some palm trees bear fruit such as the coconut palm tree and the date palm tree.

Are there palm trees in Pennsylvania?

A few palm trees can grow in Pennsylvania. Most of them are small palm trees that grow low near the ground. Only some bigger palm trees like the ones that you would see in Virginia or North Carolina would be found in southern Pennsylvania. Some cities in southern Pennsylvania are Philadelphia, West Chester, Lancaster, Reading, Harrisburg, Lebanon, York, Gettysburg, Chambersburg, Somerset, and Philadelphia. Most of the palm trees found in Pennsylvania only grow during the summer because they would not survive in the winter.

Are apricots grown on trees?

Peaches never grow on palm trees. Only coconuts and palm nuts grow from palm trees.