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Maybe, if people were born with gills.

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Q: Are there people who can only breath under water?
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Why can most people only hold there breath for under one min?

because people have short breath

Can you breath under water with a bucket on your head?

If there is An Air bubble underneath water, yes you can breath

How do freshwater turtles breath under water and what is the effect of the ammonia and nitrates from the fish wastes on them?

They don't breath underwater. They can only breath air. (They can hold their breath a long time though.)

Can babies breathe under water?

That depends on what kind of baby you are talking about. Baby fish can certainly breathe under water. Baby mammals cant breathe under water.well it depends that's what i learned din my class of fcs.:) or else

How can a dolphin stay under water without breathing?

Dolphins and Whales can stay under water for so long is because they have blowholes to come to the surface and get air. They can stay under water for quite a while before they need another breath at the surface:) Need more help... Just ask!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

How do humpback whales breath under water?

Well, they don't, no whale can breath under water. For they are they only water mammal. They have blow holes on the top of them. Once down for a period of time, they will re-surface and breath. If there is anything more you wish to know E~mail me at Please state that you are from answers and your question.

Does the giant squid breath on land?

no they do not. they can only breath in water.

What are water breathing fish called?

fishes. All fishes breath in the water. They cannot survive outside of water except for few fishes which have adapted to breath air like the mud skipper fish. The only reason fishes are able to breath under water is because of their gills

Why fish will die after coming from water?

humans only breath in air, and fish only breath in water. so a fish in air would be like you drowning in the water.

How do they breathe so long under water in lost?

That''s a tv trick, most shows that have swimming under water are that way, it's so they can accomplish a task under water all in one breath, it is actually done in several takes. You can train yourself to hold your breath for longer and longer periods of time, but only professional free diver can do what they do on tv.

How long can a sea hermit crab stay out of the water?

it can stay out for several hours, however after that it will begin to slowly suffocate as it can only breath correctly under the water.

How do eels breathe?

No owls can breath under water they are birds and the only type of bird that can breath under water are the penguins