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Aside from perhaps a daily multivitamin, not really. Regular exercise and a balanced diet are probably helpful.

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Q: Are there pills over the counter pills to help promote your reproductive system?
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If the Reproductive Health Bill is for health, why promote oral contraceptive pills when it is known for causing breast and cervical cancer?

Are water pills over the counter dangerous?

Over the counter water pills, just like all other over the counter pills can be dangerous. You should always talk you your doctor before starting any medications.

Does diarrhea help get pills out of your system?

Taking a laxative to get pills out of your system will not help avoid the actions of the pills. Most pills by time they get to your colon have already released their active ingredients. Some pills do not dissolve properly and are passed whole and without releasing their active vitamins are notorious here. If you have diarrhea, these kinds of pills will leave your system quicker than they would have if you are constipated. If you think you are overdosing, you need to go to an ER. There are things they can do to counter the effects of the drugs.

Can you take tablets onto planes?

yes over the counter pills or prescription pills

Can herbal diet pills be bought over the counter?

Yes you may purchase these herbal diet pills over the counter. They are not authorized as drugs

What over the counter pills show up as cocaine?


What has amphedamines in it?

over the counter stimuliant pills

What pills clean your system out?

niacin pills

How do you make heroin from over the counter pills that contain codeine?

you can't

Where can you get some sleeping pills?

You can get it over the counter as well as from an online pharmacy.

What are the signs if wife is taking birth control pills?

Packet of birth control pills on the kitchen counter, receipts from the pharmacy for birth control pills, or your wife asking, "Have you seen my birth control pills?"

Are charcoal pills over the counter?

Powdered activated charcoal and a binder.