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Yes, there are schools in slums, often run by nonprofit organizations or local groups. These schools provide education to children living in marginalized communities and help bridge the educational gap that exists in these areas. Educational initiatives in slum areas play a crucial role in empowering children and breaking the cycle of poverty.

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Q: Are there schools in slums
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What materials are to make slums?

Slums are typically constructed from a variety of materials depending on availability and cost, including scrap metal, plastic sheets, cardboard, wood, and other salvaged materials. These materials are often used to build makeshift shelters and structures in informal settlements where there is inadequate housing.

Does neil Armstrong have a school name after him?

There are Neil Armstrong elementary schools in Rochester NY and Scranton PA. There is a Neil Armstrong middle school in Fairless Hills PA. There are probably several more schools named after Neil Armstrong.

Why do private schools have short skirts?

Private schools may have specific dress codes that include shorter skirts for a variety of reasons, such as tradition, promoting a sense of discipline and uniformity, or to differentiate themselves from public schools. Ultimately, the decision to have short skirts is typically determined by the school's administration and culture.

What subjects were taught in residential schools?

Subjects taught in residential schools often included basic academic subjects like reading, writing, and arithmetic; vocational training in trades like farming or domestic work; religious education; and cultural assimilation practices aimed at erasing Indigenous languages and traditions. These schools were designed to strip Indigenous children of their identity and culture in order to assimilate them into Euro-Canadian society.

What role of school in combating corruption?

Schools play a crucial role in combating corruption by educating students about the importance of integrity, ethics, and honesty. By instilling these values at a young age, schools can help create a future generation that values transparency and accountability, thus decreasing the prevalence of corruption in society. Additionally, schools can also implement anti-corruption measures within their own operations to set an example for students.