

Best Answer

Yes. Percentage wise, it is now the fastest growing religion in the USA at 717%.

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Q: Are there still many Deists
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When did deism end?

The ideology that is Deism has not yet ended.To this day there are still many people who identify as Deists.

What did deists believe about people?

Deism is a rational, naturalistic (non-revelatory) approach to belief in the Ultimarte Creator. A product of Humanism, many of the US Founding Fathers were Deists.

What did the Deists see God as?

Deists believe that God created the universe but hasn't interacted since.

How many deist are there in the world?

The total number of deists in the world is estimated at around 60,000

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Deists like Thomas Jefferson and Benjamin Franklin endorsed the concepts of?

Deists like Thomas Jefferson and Ben Franklin endorsed the concept of a Supreme Being who created the universe

What group believed that God had no personal concern for man?


How is deism different from atheism?

Deists believe a God (or Gods) exist. Atheists do not. Deists tend to believe God is a rational explanation for the existence of the universe, but rarely if ever intervenes in its operation.

What did Deists argue?

Deists argued that God created the universe but does not intervene in human affairs through miracles or revelations. They believed that reason and natural law were sufficient for understanding the world and living a moral life. Deists rejected organized religion and emphasized individual moral responsibility.

Were all of the forefathers Christians?

That is a question still being argued today. It appears some say no, they were Deists. Others say yes, the majority were Christian - see signers of Declaration of Independence.

What religion believes that god doesn't effect the world?

Deist. Deists believe god created the world then stepped back. He does not intervene in the world today. Incidentally the founding fathers of America where deists, not Christians.