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Absolutely. There's still people who believe everything.

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Q: Are there still people who believe in demonic possession and exorcism rites?
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Is demonic possession fake?

Since demonic possession is not something that can be proven or disproven, people have different views and opinions about whether it is fake or real. Here are some opinions:As a Christian, I believe demonic possession is real, but there is also demonic oppression, which is not possession, but influence over humans.

Is it true people are possed by devil?

Christians believe it can happen. Although not by the devil himself, but rather his demons. The most notable account of a demonic possession in the Bible comes from Matthew Chapter 8.

Do exorcists really cast out demons?

The answer is surprisingly yes. Despite the bad press that movies and popular culture have given Exorcisms, both the psychiatric profession and the church believe that Exorcism have a role to play.The Christian practice of exorcism approaches the subject with a procedure of presuming mental or physical illness and employing mental health and medical professionals to rule out physical or mental causes before authorization of the exorcism ritual. By allowing the medical profession to attempt to solve the problem first, we can be assured that exorcism is only done when all possible benign causes are ruled out.The church then treats the person has having a malignant demonic possession and an exorcism may be performed.Demonic possession is not a valid psychiatric or medical diagnosis recognized by either the DSM-IV or the ICD-10. Those who profess a belief in demonic possession have sometimes ascribed the symptoms associated with mental illnesses such as hysteria, mania, psychosis, Tourette's syndrome, epilepsy, schizophrenia or dissociative identity disorder to possession. In cases of dissociative identity disorder in which the alter personality is questioned as to its identity, 29% are reported to identify themselves as demons. Additionally, there is a form of monomania called demonomania or demonopathy in which the patient believes that he or she is possessed by one or more demons.The fact that exorcism works on people experiencing symptoms of possession is by some attributed to placebo effect and the power of suggestion. Some supposedly possessed persons are actually narcissists or are suffering from low self-esteem and act a "demon possessed person" in order to gain attention.Nevertheless, Psychiatrist M. Scott Peck researched exorcisms (initially in an effort to disprove demonic possession), and claims to have conducted two himself. He concluded that the Christian concept of possession was a genuine phenomenon. He derived diagnostic criteria somewhat different from those used by the Roman Catholic Church. He also claimed to see differences in exorcism procedures and progression. After his experiences, and in an attempt to get his research validated, he has attempted to get the psychiatric community to add the definition of "Evil" to the DSMIV.

Who isThe greatest exorcist?

Exorcism is a practice that claims to drive evil spirits or demons out of a person, to relieve alleged symptoms of mental illnesses or other unusual behaviour. However, we now know conclusively that mental illnesses and unusual behaviour are not caused by spirits. Belief in possession by evil spirits has not entirely died out and a few people sometimes still take part in "exorcisms", whether for entertainment, financial gain or out of misplaced piety. Most people no longer believe in demonic possession and seek proper medical advice, where once they would have followed superstitious practices.

Why did people believe Joan of ark was a witch?

Aside from being a strong-willed woman, which was frowned upon before modern times, there are indications that she may have suffered from epilepsy and mild schizophrenia - which were often associated with demonic possession and witchcraft.

Is demonic posession real?

This phenomena occurs when a demon's should overpowers the soul of a host person and attempts to control the host body. Most people have their own opinions on the supernatural existing or not. I personally think those things are possible but there is no evidence proving or disproving demonic possession. (this is a reply to that answer) well, I have seen some instances of demonic posessions. My friend is currently facing what they call "perfect posession", he is posessed by a demonic being, but has full control over it's tricks and powers.. We're working on the exorcism, but some say it could be fatal seeing how he has basically used reverse-psychology on the demon and backfired the posession.. Phenomena and supernatural sightings can be amazing at times, and horrifying at others.

Is a furby devilish?

No, they are fun little critters who like to chat and play with you. They are not demonic, and they will not kill you in your sleep. Many people have made up lies about Furbys, and there are people gullible enough to believe them, which is why so many people have been saying they are demonic, and mocking them.

What were the 2 types of demonic possession believed to affected those who may have been mentally ill?

The impact and outcome of religion on mental health have been highlighted. ... The creation of the universe does not in any manner affect the integrity of Brahman.[2] ... ages most mental disorders were considered as witchcraft or demonic possession. ... People may pray more while they are sick or under stressful situations.

Is hotel California a demonic song?

People have different opinions about this song,but I do not think it's demonic.

How often do people have demonic encounters?

It depends on the demon's motive. If the demon has a grudge on you, he will follow you and try to torture. If the demon is a lost spirit, wanting to be alone as he roams, he will encounter you as long as you're in his territory. If the demon is a slave of Hell, you are supposed to be dead but somehow avoided it... One interesting thing to note is that only people who believe in demons and demonic oppression/possession ever encounter them. Non-believers find realistic answers to explain seemingly odd things that happen in their lives rather than relying on supernatural explanations.

Is demon possession real?

Well people certainly go into a state of mind that is outside of who they really are. How they came about that state of mind is of no consequence to the individual, seems you maybe asking if demonic forces are collaborative in their efforts. Yes they are, but not directly. They are summarized with the conception of Devil Demonic posession is mythological religious construct(LIE) that was created as an umbrella label for things the people did not understand..Mostly it was and is still used to describe mental and physical illness.. Schizophrenia, Severe mental retardation, Tourette's disorder, Obsessive-compulsive disorder,Narcolepsy, Dementia ,Autistic disorder, Epileptic disorders,multiple personality disorders,Tumors ,Large(purple/redish)birth marks,Birth defects and deformities were all classed as forms of demonic possession under the Roman Catholic Church. People who suffered from such forms of this so-called demonic possession were frequently banished,imprisoned and/or executed by the church if an exorcism was not successful.. Now things like medication and therapy are used to successfully treat such illnesses and the days of holy water,holy waffers, crucifixes,robes,big hats,torches,pitch forks, physical torture,mutilation,and midnight burnings at the stake have been seen for what they were,the twisted and immoral practices of religious lunatics who suffered from their own delusional disorders and sadistic fetishes.

What are demonic thoughts?

Answer:This is a very complicated question. Demonic thoughts in general can be best illustrated through human conscience. The idea of having a devil on the shoulder tempting you. Any thoughts of impurities or thoughts of going against the teachings of God and Jesus in many Christian religions can theoretically be considered demonic thoughts. Demonic thoughts are often thoughts of insecurity in Religion and everyday relationships. Satan and his demonic workers try to plant insecurity and doubt in everyday life. Most commonly depression and thoughts of doubt in ones shelf can be considered demonic thoughts. More in depth obsession with Satan and demons are more serious forms of demonic thoughts. The exception to this are thoughts of dedicating your shelf to rid your self and others from the temptations of Satan and all evil doers. One step further is empty promises from Satan and his workers of being able to help people especially in times of need. The next and more severe form is seeing and hearing voices from the demonic. Demonic possession is the most severe form. This is where the Satan and demonic take over the body. During possession the demonic can influence thoughts but can not make you physically do things and can not touch a persons soul. The demonic during possession can inflict mental and physical pain leading to depression and even more severe thoughts of suicide. During possession one should seek the help of an anointed member of the church. As far as having basic temptations from Satan and the demonic prayer dedicating yourself to rid yourself of impure thoughts and actions will help a great deal. If you find yourself having thoughts of impurities and evil, and are a member of a church, a Scapular is a great way to dedicate your life to help fight thoughts of impurities. If you have any questions please feel free to email me at