

Are there stories about the constellations?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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15y ago

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Yes. One about the constellation that looks like a queen on a throne. She thought that she was prettier than the gods (talking about Greek gods, more than one). So half the year she sits upright and the other half she sits upside down, the gods making fun of her.

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Q: Are there stories about the constellations?
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Why is constellations named?

Constellations are named for mythological creatures from stories.

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Her mom influenced her by telling her about the constellations. She was so fascinated by the constellations stories she wanted to learn more about them.

Do all constellations have stories?

Most of the myths can be found in Greek mythology. This gives the star constellations an interesting name and a good story to remember. Not all of the constellations will have a myth or story behind them but most do. You will want to look at the different ones that you find online and see which ones have stories and which don't. Just remember that constellations are not real but are instead used as a way to tell the stars in the night sky apart. So don't take the stories too seriously because they are just an easy way to remember the different star constellations. So have fun with this and learn what you can about each of the constellations now.

Do people still make stories about the constellations?

yes the do not but the can/t but ithink not they do dut i think so

These star patterns in the night sky were given names by ancient peoples to help tell stories?


What are constellatons?

Constellations are basically different shapes made from the position of the stars. The Greeks and Romans used constellations to tell stories of each constellation. One example of a constellation is Orion; the warrior of the skies.

Which culture named the constellations?

The constellations are named from Greek, Roman, and Middle Eastern cultures. The names were derived from their animals, gods, goddesses, and the characters of their stories.

What constellation means love?

There are many constellations with many different stories who have there own interpretation of love. For example Gemini represents sibling love. Other stories are the story of Orion and Pleiades.

Why do people make up stories to go with the constellations?

i say it's kinda like a form of religion. think of the greek gods &such

Examples of superstitious beliefs related to stars?

Constellations are formed of bright stars which appear close to each other on the sky, but are really far apart in space. The shapes you see all depend on your point of view. Many societies saw patterns among the stars with gods and goddesses or stories from their culture. Most of the constellations with which we are familiar come from ancient Greece. But other civilizations created their own patterns in the sky based on stories and people that were important to them. The stories below provide an overview of myths associated with the constellations identified by early civilizations around the world.

Why did people make up stories about the constellations?

People made up stories about the constellations to help them remember and navigate the night sky. These stories often incorporated characters and mythological figures, making the constellations more memorable and relatable. Additionally, storytelling has been a fundamental part of human culture throughout history, and creating narratives about the stars was a way for people to connect with and understand the celestial world around them.

Who put cassiopeia in the sky?

The imaginations of the ancient Greeks who told stories about a queen sitting on her throne; the "Chair of Cassiopeia". Constellations have no existence except in our minds.