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Q: Are there two independent senators in the 111th Congress?
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What is the name of the two US Senators in New York?

Schumer and Gilbrand in the 111th Congress.

Who are the two senators of Conneticut?

Sen. Christopher (Chris) J. Dodd (D-CT) and Sen. Joseph (Joe) Lieberman (ID-CT) also, the abbreviations "ID" or "I" stand for Independent. These are the current Senators for Conneticut, 111th Congress.

Who are the two senators from Florida in the current Congress?

The state of Florida has two positions filled in the active 111th Congress (valid from 2009-2011). The two senators the hold those positions are Bill Nelson (Democrat) and Mel Martinez (Republican).

How many senators are Democrats?

You need to be more specific. Were? In NC? What place

How many representatives districts are Illinois representatives chosen from?

There are 19 US Congressmen and two US Senators in the 111th Congress.

How many senators are in the US Congress?

Each state has two senators regardless of population, so there are 100 senators in the US Congress.

How many senators does Vermont have?

Vermont has three Members of Congress: one Representative, two Senators. Vermont's current senators are Democrat Patrick Leahy and Independent Bernie Sanders. Its representative is Democrat Peter Welch.

Who are the two people that represent New York in the US Senate?

In the 111th Congress it is Chuck Schumer and Kirsten Gillibrand.

How many senators in congress are from Connecticut?

There are two senators from each state.

How many senators are in the house?

There are 100 senators in the U.S. Congress. There are two for every state. There are 438 Representatives in Congress.

Who are New Jersey's two latest legislators?

John Adler and Leonard Lance are both Freshmen in the 111th US Congress.

A two year period during which congress meets is called?

Term of Congress The two-year period during which each Congress meets. Each term is said to last two years because new elections (for all members of the House and one-third of the senators) are held every two years; each term is the period in between those elections. January 2009 marks the beginning of the 111th term of Congress since the ratification of the Constitution.