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Yes, you need to put two periods after every sentence. When you publish a book, write an essay or most other publishable things you need two periods.

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Q: Are there two spaces after a period or one?
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Do you type one or two spaces after a period?

In traditional English writing, there are two spaces after a period.

How many spaces are after the period in an abberviation?

one space after and abberviation two spaces at the end of a sentence

Is there two spaces after a period to begin the next sentence?

Some put two (or even three) spaces after a full stop (period in America) before starting a new sentence. One space after a comma. Personally, I use two spaces, unless I forget!

How many blank spaces between words?

One space between words. No space between the last word and the period or interrogative. Two spaces after the period or interrogative.

How many spaces after a abbreviation?

Unlike the period at the end of a sentence (which have one or two spaces), the period following an abbreviation only needs one space. This is the general rule for abbreviations such as Dr., Jr., or Sr.

How many spaces come after a period to begin the next sentence?

In standard writing conventions, one space is used after a period to begin the next sentence. However, some style guides recommend using two spaces for improved readability in printed text.

How many spaces do you insert after a full stop?

Only the one! It depends upon the style manual that you are working with. In the past, two spaces after a period were common. Today, one is often used. I still prefer the use of two, as I have used in this paragraph. It depends upon the style manual that you are working with. In the past, two spaces after a period were common. Today, one is often used. I still prefer the use of two, as I have only used one in this paragraph.

How many spaces do you put after a colon?

I was taught it was two. A good way to remember this is by counting the dots on it. The colon has two so it has two spaces. A semi colon has only one dot, and it has only one space after it. But this only applies when the name of the punctuation has the word "colon" in it, as when you are counting the dots in a period, you only see one, but after a period, you usually put two spaces unless you are using a wesite address or something of that sort.

Should you space twice after a period at the end of a sentence?

You can leave two spaces if you wish but if you do, you must be consistent. I was originally taught to leave two spaces but now only ever leave one.

When writing how many spaces after a period?


Do you have to put two spaces after a period in typing?

no just 1

How many times do you space after a period used in an initial?

If there is more than one initial, there is no space after the period which separates them. After the period after the last initial there is one space.e.g. T.S. EliotAfter a period at the end of a sentence you do two spaces, but often only one is done.