

Best Answer

Yes there is! i really dont want to list them But yes. Big carrots are good and Not icr berg lettuces NU NU NU Not ice berg lettuces . eh...

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Q: Are there unsafe foods for guinea pigs?
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Can guinea pigs eat calliflower?

No, guinea pigs shouldn't eat gassy foods such as cauliflower and broccoli.

What foods are guinea pigs allergic to?


What foods are good for giunea pigs?

Many foods are good for guinea pigs including vegetables and store-bought food. BEWARE! some foods are poisonous to guinea pigs! Including potato skins and raw beans. Hope this helped :) Timothy hay and pellets are good for guinea pigs.

Is it normal for guinea pigs to like sweets?

It isn't NORMAL but guinea pigs probably like most foods. Hope this helps ;)

Can pig eat human foods?

Pigs can sometimes eat human food, guinea pigs can eat more human foods than pigs.

Why do grapes kill guinea pigs?

Grapes don't kill guinea pigs. my guinea pigs love them and have been having them for ages. although some guineas may be allergic to them but that doesn't usually happen

Can guinea pigs draw blood?

Yes, male guinea pigs usally do if there fighting for a female to mate with. Also, they can draw blood on there owners if they feel unsafe or annoyed. Hope this helps! Keep Squeaking! Yes, male guinea pigs usally do if there fighting for a female to mate with. Also, they can draw blood on there owners if they feel unsafe or annoyed. Hope this helps! Keep Squeaking!

Do guinea pigs like mushrooms?

They certainly can, especially if you already know they're poisonous. Avoid feeding your guinea pigs mushrooms.

What are all the foods guinea pigs cannot eat?

Dairy products (even though petstores sell yogurt drops they are very bad for guinea pigs.) Nuts.

What supliment do guinea pigs need because thir boddies cant produce it?

Guinea pigs can't produce vitamin C on their own and must consume it. Foods such as fruits and vegetables contain a lot of vitamin C and are needed in the guinea pigs diet.

You accidentally bought hamster foods is OK your guinea pig eat the hamster foods?

No it isn't ok. Guinea PIg food is made for Guinea Pigs. Your Cavy will get sick if they do eat hamser food.

What food to grow for guinea pigs?

there are many foods guinea pigs will eat but i reccamend things like carrots, cucumbers, parsley, apples,lettuce and so on