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Fleas move, hives don't.

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Q: Are these flea bites or hives from my kitten?
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Can a flea collar kill a 8 week kitten?

No, the kitten is to young still. The instructions on the flea medicine box should give you directions and usage for that product. A 8 week old kitten is too young for flea medicine and also too young for a bath with flea soap

What happens if a flea bites a human?

Flea bites are small red dots that itch. Cats or dogs can bring them in from outdoors and they can multiply in carpets, bedding etc. My cat brought them in, and I had small bites all over my ankles and that's how I discovered the fleas. I used a flea bomb insecticide that can be bought at any pet shop and worked very well.

Why does your dog flea bite you?

For exactly the same reason that it bites your dog, to feed on blood.

Why does looking at flea bite pictures make a person feel itchy?

Human nature is repelled by pictures evoking scenes that can be perceived as a threat to a person's integrity. Pictures of flea bites are scary because they evoke a parasite, a pest that has the potential to ruin materials and they represent a threat to sanity in general.

How can you deflea kittens?

Depending on the age of the kitten, some deflea medicines are toxic to a kitten. Some sprays can be used on younger kittens, but most spot-on treatments are only safe for kittens aged 12 weeks or older. The safest and best alternative to chemical flea treatments is using a flea comb twice a day, and to treat the house by cleaning carpets, bedding, and any other fabric daily or once a week. Be sure to put a flea collar in the vacuum cleaner bag, or remove the bag after every use as flea eggs and larvae will grow rapidly in the warm conditions.