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So Microsoft have not realised any plans but they are hinting they could make one and also you can buy homebrew ones off the internet with an LSD screen atached but it would be more like a laptop.

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14y ago

There are no publicly known plans for a portable Xbox platform. Either Microsoft is keeping it secret, or there are no plans.

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13y ago

Maybe. there are some rumors that mcrosoft is creating a portable 360. It may come out in late 2011 or early 2012.

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15y ago

they aren't planning any YET

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Q: Are they going to make a handheld Xbox that can fit in your pocket like the psp?
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Strictly speaking, you don't - but having a screen protector helps to protect the screen from getting scratched by things like zippers when it's in your pocket.

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Is black ops ds better then the xbox 360 one?

Not in my opinion. No the handheld games have much less power and can not have the options that are available with a console. But sure anyone can say anything is better and have reasons like "I can take it with me when I leave the house."

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Consumer Search has reviews of handheld vaccums from companies like Black & Decker and Bissell on their website. This URL will take you to their page:

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There are many places that you can find a handheld gps unit such as electronic stores like best buy. Or you can find them at sites like amazon or ebay.

What was the first handheld gaming system in the world?

The first handheld gaming system in the world was the Game Boy. Not the Game Boy light, Game Boy pocket, or Game Boy Color. The first Game Boy was released in Japan on April 12, 1989, it was released in Nort America sometime in August the same year.

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