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Q: Are tides the same in both hemispheres?
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Does an equinox occur on the same day at the same time in both hemispheres?

yes it does=]

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Israel and Armenia are located in the northern and eastern hemispheres. (They are both in the same quadrant.

What is the same about neap tides and spring tides?

They are both affected by the moons gravitional pull, but from different extremes.

What continents are in both the Eastern and Southern Hemispheres at the same time?

Australia and Antarctica are continents that are in both the Eastern and Southern Hemispheres simultaneously.

Why does northern hemisphere get more sun than the southern?

There's no "why". Both hemispheres get the same.

Which seasons are similar in both hemispheres?

Autumn and Spring are similar in both hemispheres

Which hemispheres is Greenland in?

in the north and western hemispheres

What happens when both hemispheres receive the same amount of sunlight?

The vernal or autumnal equinox happens.

Does the sun help cause ocean tides?

Yes, the Sun does have a large effect. When the Sun and Moon are both on the same side of the Earth is when the tides are the largest.

What are the similarities between spring tides and neap tides?

They both occur twice a year... and both involve high tides and low tides...

What contenents are both the eastern and western hemispheres?

Africa and Antarctica are the continents that are both in the eastern and western hemispheres.

What times of the year do both hemispheres receive the same amount of energy from the sun?

Equinox (autumnal or spring)